+ x and y
- ayi, yai, ya
+ to sail my yacht
- allegedly raping a woman on yacht
+ a racing yacht
+ a vintage yacht
+ a huge Mexican yam
+ yin and yang
+ a chicken yard
+ a duck yard
+ a poultry yard
+ in a railroad yard
+ Scotland Yard
+ the timber yard
- pecking at grain drying on yards
- in scrap yards
+ spinning her yarn
+ spun into yarn
+ spinning yarn
- tangled yarn
+ a morning yawn
+ gave a shuddering yawn
- stretching and yawning
+ to stop yawning
- she yawns, he yawns
- to sniff the yayo
+ averaged nearly an album a year
+ to put in two crops a year
+ to have known him for many a year
- to haven't seen you in many a year
+ over a year
+ year after year
- a bumpy year
+ a busy year
- growing older year by year
+ in a calendar year
+ since the beginning of the calendar year
+ to make resolutions for the coming year
- an extremely difficult year
+ celebrated each year
+ in a presidential election year
+ to add an extra day every fourth year
+ adding February 29 as a leap day every fourth year
+ a full year
+ a comet year, a good year
+ a very good year
+ a great year
+ a really great year
+ last year
+ designating only every century year divisible by 400 as a leap year
+ known for many a long year
+ a miracle year
+ to move toward a bright new year
+ to celebrate new year
+ a happy New Year
+ commemorating the new year
+ a fixture at midnight celebration commemorating the new year
+ health and good wishes for the new year
+ to drink a toast to the new year
+ next year
+ will retire next year
+ that next year
+ to lay just one egg every other year
+ year over year
+/- a pivoted year
+ during the school year
- a slower year
+ born early in the year
- born later in the year
+ the car of the year
+ the shortest day of the year
+ by end of the year
+ at the end of the year
+ the last evening of the year
+ man of the year
+ nominated for a Grammy for Song of the Year
+ at the turn of the year
+ midway through the year
+ earlier this year
+ from year to year
- a tough year
+ day upon day, year upon year
+ another winning year
+ really only a yearling
+ longing and yearning
- a sophisticated intellectual of advanced years
+ days, months, and years
+ my boyhood years
+ in coming years
+ in earlier years
+ Earth years
+ in a career spanning 15 years
+ with a career that spanned more than 50 years
+ going strong after 55 years
+ in his final years
+ warranted for five years
+ over the following years
+ for years
- delayed for years
- struggled with problematic gaming for years
+ to had been in love with him for years
+ to have worked and worked on it for years
- to have been a bother to me for years
+ lived there for years
+ in power for more than 40 years
- wrongfully jailed 44 years
+ leap years of 366 days every four years
- aged beyond his years
+ young beyond his years
- became older than his years
+ four hundred years
- advanced in years
- old in years
+ young in years
+ in later years
- lean years
+ feels like years
+ for many years
- held them in bondage for many years
+ to live for many years
+ retained its popularity for many years
+ to prolong your life many years
- lost so many years
+ full of years
+ with the passing of years
+ lived for more than 120 years
+ in recent years
+ reproductive years
+ our school years
+ dominant in supersport championships for six years
+ developed over six years
+ in subsequent years
+ during the teenage years
+ ten years
+ three scores and ten years
+ leased for ten years
- never keep track of the years
+ over the years
+ to have changed over the years
+ through the years
+ altered through the years
+ tackling the problems through the years
+ throughout the years
+ after all these years
+ the literary miscellany of a thousand years
+ sentenced to life with no chance of parole for 25 years
+ the wonder years
+ in his younger years
+ about your years
+ when I was about your years
+ enzymes in yeast
+ red and yellow
+ a candy cane striped with red and yellow
- highly toxic cadmium yellow
+ shaded yellow
+ to spend Japan yen
+ oh yes
+ to vote yes
+ to answer all he says with yes
+ to laugh at yesterday
+ thanks for yesterday
- fading away into yesterday
+ seems like yesterday
+ my yesterday
+ as if it had been only yesterday
+ seems like only yesterday
+ to remember it like it was only yesterday
+ to take me back to yesterday
+ can remember it as though it were yesterday
- and yet
+ as yet
- half asleep yet
- has not come back yet
+ not dead yet
- not done yet
- might not be finished yet
- not quite finished yet
- don't quite get it yet
+ isn't out just yet
+ will not marry yet
- not yet
- wasn't all over yet
- not over yet
- not quite yet
- not ready yet
- not sixteen yet
- not quite there yet
+ not quite twenty yet
- don't know us yet
+ to couch down in fear and yield
+ recording the crop yield
+ would make him yield
- if he will not yield
+ the year of yield
+ never yielding
+ increased crop yields
- cutting yields
+ limited waste and increased yields
- at last yields
+ sounded lively yodeling
+ to practice yoga
- burdened with a yoke
+ freed the sweating horses from their yoke
+ egg yolks
+ yellow yolks
+ to fly yonder
- the dark and dismal days of yore
+ left the old homestead in young days of yore
- flown 2 hijacked aircraft into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, New York
+ never abandon you
+ will not fail you or abandon you
+ to tell my mama about you
+ anxious for news about you
+ talking about you
- worried about you
+ to adorn you
+ after you
- will come after you
- to speak against you
- secretly slipped in among you
+ made for me and you
+ another you
+ never find another you
+ to stand around you
+ not as mad as you
+ to assure you
- pointing at you
+ becoming you
+ to store all the information that is relevant to you being you
+ to beseech you
+ could make you or break you
+ never love no one but you
+ to love nobody but you
+ wondering should I call you
+ to hold you and caress you
+ to catechize you
+ to forgive me for the annoyance I have caused you
- to chafe you
+ to sing you a song to comfort you
+ really commiserate you
- confusing you
+ to congratulate you
- to try to convert you
- to damn you
- to delude you
- to discard you
- to divorce you
+ to envy you
- to show favor to the youth in your sight only to exasperate you
+ showed the way and I followed you
+ for you
+ all for you
- to feel bad for you
+ to think what's best for you
+ cried and cried for you
+ especially for you
+ exclusively for you
+ good for you
+ just for you
+ a letter for you
+ to long for you
+ no match for you
+ to care so much for you
- no place for you
+ to reach for you
+ right for you
+ to search for you
- to lay a snare for you
+ a song for you
+ sorry for you
+ awfully sorry for you
+ really sorry for you
+ to suffer for you
+ to have a thing for you
+ waiting for you
+ to weep for you
+ worked wonders for you
+ worked for you
+ yearns for you
+ as I foretold you
+ never can forget you
+ do forgive you
+ ran away from you
+ to keep nothing back from you
+ to expect a great deal from you
+ to look to hear from you
+ waiting to hear from you
- to hide it from you
+ not be long from you
+ send him to get you
- out to get you
+ if I had you
- to hate you
+ glad to have you
+ to long to hear you
+ to take back those words that hurt you
+ didn't really mean to hurt you
+ to find comfort in you
+ to center all their hopes in you
+ to live in you
+ suffers no perdition in you
+ placed my trust in you
- jealous you
+ to keep you
+ kissing you
- wondering who is kissing you
- don't know you
+ don't know you like I know you
+ knowing me, knowing you
- going to leave you
+ to hate to leave you
- wants to leave you
- fell such deep sorrow at the thought of leaving you
+ to oblige her to liberate you
+ to want to be like you
+ so often wished for a dear little girl like you
+ wants to be just like you
+ looks a lot like you
- losing you
- afraid of losing you
- can't get over losing you
+ will always love you
+ to know I love you
+ doesn't love you like I love you
+ really love you
+ to love you
- confessed she never loved you
+ and she loves you
+ loving you
+ to spend my whole life loving you
+ lucky you
+ nice to meet you
+ to mind you
+ missing you
+ near you
+ longs to be near you
- do not need you
+ a new you
+ all of you
- takes advantage of you
+ because of you
- to beg of you
+ good day to both of you
- making fun of you
+ to have half a guess of you
+ very kind of you
+ old memories of you
+ to bring wonderful memories of you
+ living with the memory of you
- may sound a little square to most of you
+ a part of you
+ proud of you
+ all so proud of you
+ to hear a good report of you
+ thinking of you
+ always thinking of you
- to get tired of you
- speaks most vilely of you
+ never take my eyes off you
+ to call on you
+ to count on you
+/- to keep an eye on you
- frowns on you
+ to try it on you
- leaping out on you
+ wrote a panegyric on you
- shame on you
+ my one and only you
+ to love only you
+ don't like to see nobody only you
+ to think of nothing only you
+ to dispel the melancholy that oppresses you
+ to cry over you
+ to own you
+ just to please you
+ only just beginning to see the real you
+ to do salute you
+ to see you
+ glad to see you
+ also glad to see you
+ very glad to see you
+ so very glad to see you
+ to wish so much to see you
- to open all the mail I send you
- wants to sue you
+ only teasing you
+ to do as I tell you
- to have nothing more to tell you
- won't tell you
+ to love none better than you
+ goodbye and thank you
+ to want to say thank you
- cannot find words to thank you
+ taking turns, first me, then you, then you
+ addressed to you
+ to offer some advice to you
+ to owe it all to you
+ to see if anything appeals to you
+ tried awful hard to find the way back to you
+ wrote back to you
+ longing to belong to you
+ as seems best to you
+ happy birthday to you
+ to sing Happy Birthday to you
+ to leave the choice to you
- to experience the death of someone close to you
+ good day to you
+ devoted to you
+ to do to others what you would have them do to you
+ faithful to you
+ been faithful to you
+/- could happen to you
+ offers joy and happiness to you
+ health to you
+ good health to you
- shall not be of much help to you
+ homage to you
+ to bow in homage to you
+ coming home to you
+ as he is to you
+ left it to you
+ long life to you
- to refuse to listen to you
+ can matter little to you
+ to send all my loving to you
+ goodbye and good luck to you
+ married to you
+ good morning to you
+ lying next to you
- had a quarrel to you
+ to return to you
+ same to you
+ to do the same to you
+ to pay attention and listen to what I have to say to you
+ reveals a sign to you
- stranger to you
+ success to you
+ talking to you
+ to introduce them to you
+ a toast to you
+ always true to you
+ has surrendered unconditionally to you
+ up to you
+ trying to catch up to you
+ a heartfelt welcome to you
+ to think how nice they were to you
- woe to you
- said an unkind word to you
+ to write to you
- to bring misfortune down upon you
+ to warrant you
+/- watching you
+ if I were you
+ happy to be home again with you
+ quite agree with you
+ to agree with you
+ away with you
+ counting the days till I'll be with you
+ peace be with you
+ to be with you
+ to want to be with you
+ will be with you
+ sent me here to confer with you
+ shared dangers with you
+ forever with you
+ to talk further with you
+ may good luck go with you
+ to take my heart with you
+ in love with you
+ fell in love with you
+ truly in love with you
+ to take me with you
- cannot keep pace with you
+ only with you
+ to remain with you
+ much desires to speak with you
+ to have an hour of love to spend with you
+ to have an hour's talk with you
+ to be home more to spend more time with you
+ to spend some time with you
+ to hope to spend some time with you
- thought she was with you
+ will always go well with you
+ to vouchsafe me a word with you
+ glad to be working with you
+/- without you
- can't live without you
+ to call from you-know-who
- naive and young
+ on the lips of old and young
- to pretend to be young
- to live fast and die young
- dies young
+ feels young
+ forever young
+ to keep them forever young
+ grows young
+ feeding its young
+ ready to die to defend its young
+ married young
+ to produce young
+ relatively young
- died so young
+ some old, some young
+ to stay young
+ fed their young
+ starting them young
- died too young
+/- when I was young
+ two years younger
+ for you and yours
+ entirely yours
+ forever yours
- not yours
+ sincerely yours
+ truly yours
+ would be truly yours
+ to stop thinking about yourself
+ to love others as yourself
+ to ask yourself
+ just be yourself
+ to be yourself
+ the right to be yourself
+ to behave yourself
+ to stop apologizing for being yourself
- boring yourself
+ to calm yourself
+ to commit yourself
+ to consider yourself
+ to control yourself
+ do control yourself
- deceiving yourself
+ to defend yourself
- to destroy yourself
+ thinking what you would do yourself
+ to enjoy yourself
+ don't have to go to Rome or Paris to enjoy yourself
+ to look within and examine yourself
+ to decide for yourself
+ to have some regard for yourself
+ to see for yourself
+ to forgive yourself
+ half yourself
+ to help yourself
+/- to hide yourself
+ to question him yourself
+ to trust and believe in yourself
+ to be yourself and believe in yourself
+ may read about it yourself
+ to find it yourself
+ to know yourself
+ to know you better than you know yourself
+ to read a book and come on someone exactly like yourself
- won't live long yourself
+ to love yourself
+ to vex not yourself
+ to take an oath to obligate yourself
- ought to be ashamed of yourself
+ to take good care of yourself
+ be proud of yourself
+ to stop being so hard on yourself
+ to wash and perfume yourself
+ to protect yourself
+ to prove yourself
+ to quiet yourself
+ to refresh yourself
+ to rest yourself
+ to tell him so yourself
+ to suit yourself
+ to keep it to yourself
- to lie to yourself
+ to trust yourself
+ do not undermine yourself
+ to cheer up yourself
+ to withdraw yourself
+ still need to put in most of work yourself
- worshiping yourself
- not so young yourself
+ to disperse yourselves
+ as a youth
+ tackles spike in vaping among youth
+ gives aid to homeless and at-risk youth
+ a comely youth
- detained me all my flowering youth
- a gawky youth
- lost her youth
+ good for a man to bear the yoke in his youth
+ a kneeling youth
- charades of youth
+ a fountain of youth
- past the prime of youth
- a rebellious youth
+ convicted of corrupting the youth
+ had sworn brotherhood in their youth
- to die in their youth
+ in the days of your youth
- frustrated youths
- his yowl