+ sentenced to life term for fatal stabbing
+ pleads guilty to stabbing
+ to shed excess electrons in order to achieve stability
+ more comfortable with routine and stability
+ safeguarding financial stability
+ political stability
+ emotionally stable
+ extremely stable
+ very stable
+ to clean filthy stables
+ to pile hay into stacks
+ beginning to fill the seats in a baseball stadium
+ to retain staff
- found himself in conflict with the staff
+ to provide injury and illness insurance for their staff
- to trim staff
+ sat down to eat the roast stag
+ stage by stage
+ to take center stage
- booed off stage
- wanted to be treated as an empress off stage
- booed him off stage
+ stepped off stage
+ on stage
+ called her back on stage
- dies on stage
+ to go on stage
+ to live our lives as if on stage
+ sang live on stage
+ introduced me on stage
+ being in the spotlight on stage
+ a player's stage
+ to enjoy the stage
+ made her and me all matching dresses for the stage
- had been hissed from the stage
- booed off the stage
+ on the stage
+ passes over the stage
+ rocking the stage
+ takes the stage
+ finally takes the stage
+ on the world stage
+ passed through alternating periods of progress and stagnation
+ the horns of stags
+ swift stags
- a coffee cup stain
- water stain
- your lipstick stains
+ a tackled stair
+ to climb a staircase
+ descending a staircase
+ mounted a brick staircase
+ a circular staircase
+ a marble staircase
+ explained his errand and was led up the carpeted marble staircase
+ to climb up the winding stone staircase
- smoking bones in the staircase
+ to sit on the staircase
+ spiral staircases
+ the banisters of steep staircases
+ a flight of stairs
- fell down a flight of stairs
+ to go down a flight of stairs
+ mounted flight after flight of stairs
+ up a flight of stairs
+ up three flights of stairs
+ coming up the subway stairs
+ to ascend the stairs
+ to climb the stairs
- fell down the stairs
+ reached the top of the stairs
+ standing on the stairs
+ came up the stairs
+ going up the stairs
+ walking up stairs
+ the winding stairs
+ climbed the spiral stairway
+ the spiral stairwell
- tied me to a stake
- at stake
- burned him to ashes at the stake
- burned at the stake
- sent him to be burned at the stake
- executed at the stake
+ placing high stakes
+ selected to act as umpire, and hold the stakes
+ raised the stakes
+ to split the stakes
+ don't bet on doubling your stakes
- to make stale
- to keep things at a stalemate
+ to break the stalemate
- the teachings of Marx, Lenin, and Stalin
- the horrors of collectivization under Stalin
- pliant stalks
- to feed like oxen at a stall
+ to leap like calves released from the stall
+ a black stallion
+ mounted the black stallion
+ fighting stallions
+ black war stallions
+ white stallions
+ bronzed and stalwart
+ divided all flowering plants into 23 classes according to the number of their stamens
+ speed and stamina
+ a postage stamp
+ food stamps
+ rubber stamps
+ defends his stance
+ takes strong stance
+ a cab stand
+ the checkout stand
- could hardly stand
- can't stand where I stand
+ in front of a mic stand
+ a microphone stand
- oppressed so hard that they could not stand
- just an one-night stand
+ to take their stand
+ on the witness stand
+ to become a standard
- the damaging double standard
+ criticized the double standard
+ fairly standard
+ to set the moral standard
+ to set new standard
+ to set the standard
+ prefabrication and standardization
+ to go by different standards
- sexual double standards
+ to improve standards
+ to reach consensus on its standards
+ living standards
+ improving the people's living standards
+ by modern standards
+ should not judge other civilizations by our standards
+ conformed to the standards
+/- by today's standards
- crude by today's standards
+ modest by today's standards
- seems primitive by today's standards
- tiny by today's standards
+ a lady of standing
+ remained standing
+ social standing
+ still standing
+ fruit stands
+ ice-cream stands
+ setting up music stands
- only played one-night stands
+ still stands
+ promoted the little black dress from funeral wear to cocktail hour staple
+ an Italian staple
+ the restaurant staple
+ radiant as a star
+ became a star
+ guided by a star
+ the process of gravitational collapse of nebular gas and dust to form a star
+ made her a star
+ glistened like a star
+ living like a star
+ the destiny of a star
+ living the life of a star
+ the five points of a star
+ wishing on a star
+ to reach a star
+ to wish upon a star
+ to make you a star
- an aging star
+ a basketball star
+ a big star
+ a blazing star
+ a bright star
+ wishing on the same bright star
+ a child star
+ former child star
- the glowing core of a dead star
- the glowing remains of a dead star
- a dim star
- a dying star
- an exploding star
- a faded star
- a fading star
- a falling star
+ a red giant star
+ a great star
+ a guest star
+ my guiding star
+ your lucky star
+ the bright Morning Star
+ the Morning Star
+ a movie star
+ like I'm a movie star
+ made him a national star
+ a neutron star
- collapses into neutron star
+ a rapidly rotating neutron star
+ the North Star
+ constant as the North Star
+ to follow the North Star
+ a flamboyant pop star
+ a rising star
+ a shooting star
- vanishes like a shooting star
+ a six-branched star
+ a solo star
+ a Spanish star
- a struggling star
+ a tennis star
+ sailing by the star
+ a gold tinsel star
+ a TV star
+ a twinkling star
- my unlucky star
+ a pulsating variable star
+ a yellow star
+ to follow your star
+ sugars and starches
+ finally returning to the show that launched him to stardom
+ shot him to stardom
+ continuing on her path to stardom
+ rose to stardom
+ made from stardust
+/- to stop and stare
- stared and stared
- raving and staring
+ glittering starlight
+ to measure the intensity of starlight
+ spangled starlight
+ a flock of starlings
+ sun and moon and stars
+ to pick up radio waves from distant planets and stars
+ binary stars
+ blue stars
+ massive blue stars
- collapsed stars
+ countless stars
- visually dim stars
+ distant stars
+ red dwarf stars
- white dwarf stars
- to end their lives as dense white dwarf stars
- non-rotating white dwarf stars
- great exploding stars
- faint stars
- composed of a multitude of faint stars
+ film stars
+ to find and nurture the talent of future stars
+ glittering stars
+ the formation of elements inside stars
+ hypothetical neutron stars
+ new stars
+ constellations of stars
+ pop stars
+ pulsating radio stars
+ to meet some rising stars
+ sea stars
+ shining stars
+ a spectacular shower of shooting stars
+ sports stars
+ counting all the stars
+ to make your nest among the stars
+ the moon and the stars
+ to count the stars
+ to go reaching for the stars
+ twinkling like the stars
+ to observe the stars
+ the revolutions of the stars
+ studied the stars
+ divination through the stars
+ countless twinkling stars
- to reach the unreachable stars
+ variable stars
+ young stars
+ has starspots
- had a difficult start
+ a fresh start
+ looks for fresh start
+ to make a new start
- got off to a poor start
- a rocky start
- got off to a rocky start
+ to recover from rough start
- a shaky start
+ off to a great start
- off to a slow start
+ not worried about slow start
+ rebounds after slow start
- a sluggish start
+ at the start
+ to love me at the start
+ stood side by side for the start
+ from the start
- doomed from the start
+ right from the start
+ to prepare to start
+ ready to start
- hard to know where to start
+ from the very start
- never get started
- very different from the form in which it started
+ a late starter
+ a step starter
+ off to decent starts
- false starts
- failed e-scooter startups
- dropped dead from exhaustion and starvation
- committed suicide by starvation
+ no starveling
+ the separation of Church and State
+ in current state
- in a dreadful state
- ground state
+ abjured his vow of celibacy, arguing that marriage was a holy state
+ mental state
- in a mixed state
+ agreed to dismantle the one-party state
- living in a police state
- in a sorry state
- in a terrible state
+ to protest against the unjust acts of the state
+ established a totalitarian state
+ the transition state
+ created an unified state
- in vegetative state
+ suppressed in the waking state
+ in the wild state
+ as stated
+ simply stated
+ released a statement
+ an antiwar statement
- issues controversial statement
+ a fashion statement
+ an income statement
+ to issue joint statement
+ a personal statement
+ a profound statement
+ a completely true statement
+ a powerful visual statement
+ financial statements
+ to perform the audit of the financial statements
+ deductive logic, drawing conclusions from given statements
+ opening statements
- shocked people with her screaming rages and outrageous statements
- a superposition of states
+ the physics of probable states
+ imprisoned for conspiracy to overthrow the states
+ simultaneously in two states
+ a mixture of two states
+ to draw attention to the plight of African Americans in the United States
+ set out for the long sea voyage to the United States
+ a prominent statesman
- the dancing static
+ rarely static
+ anticholesterol statin
+ a fast-food station
+ a gas station
+ at the police station
+ to rush to the police station
+ a radio station
+ established a radio station
+ an AM radio station
+ atomic clock radio station
+ a FM radio station
+ sitting in the railway station
+ a relay station
+ the International Space Station
- a telegraph station
+ a television station
+ to buy your ticket at the station
+ waiting at the station
- at the trash station
+ to leave the train at a wayside station
+ to remain stationary
+ power stations
+ nuclear power stations
+ did interviews at radio stations
+ space stations
+ radio tracking stations
+ the weather stations
+ focuses on probability and statistics
+ to build a statue
+ commemorated by a statue
+ bronze statue
+ an equestrian statue
+ iconic statue
+ stood a large statue
+ a marble statue
- charged with toppling statue
+ seated statues
+ stone statues
+ the white statues
+ adorned with statues
+ to have achieved classic stature
+ a large man in stature
+ about my stature
+ to have achieved cult status
+ your financial status
+ to gain status
+ marital status
+ worn as sign of status
+ social status
+ enjoyed a relatively high social status
+ socioeconomic status
- disturbed the status quo
+ fighting the status quo
+ within the status quo
+ remained staunch
+ stay, lady, stay
+ to vouchsafe awhile to stay
+ to enjoy your stay
- charges stayed
+ making stays
+ to become staid and steady
+ to go steady
+ to hold the ladder steady
+ remains steady
+ a T-bone steak
+ to cook T-bone steak
- to break in and steal
- to become poor and steal
- robbing and stealing
- accused of stealing
+ powered by steam
+ high-pressure steam
+ to turn the sun's heat into steam
- loses steam
+ jets of steam
+ picked up some steam
- a paddle-wheel steamer
- paddle steamers
+ a white knight on a steed
- the gray, cadaverous steed
+ a dapple-gray steed
+ a fair steed
- fiery foaming steeds
+ snorting steeds
+ climbed onto their steeds
+ winged steeds
+ hard as steel
+ as hard as steel
+ carbon steel
+ clad in steel
+ a gad of steel
- a heart of steel
+ a man of steel
+ burned away impurities before a precise amount of carbon was added to produce steel
+ stainless steel
+ made from precision-engineered, mirror-polished stainless steel
- rather steep
+ the church steeple
+ roped a steer
+ power steering
+ the brain and brain stem
+ produced kitchenware that included glasses with a single air bubble inside each stem
+ hollow stems
+ filth and stench
+ hand prints and stencil
+ step by step
+ to proceed step by step
- faltered at every step
+ to keep in step
+ to move in step
+ an interim step
+ walks with a light step
- grown weary in my step
+ to watch your step
- evil stepmothers
- wicked step-parents
+ knelt on the altar steps
- takes baby steps
+ retraced her steps
+ closely followed his steps
+ with measured steps
+ starts with small steps
+ took very soft steps
+ all seated themselves on the stone steps
- to go backward ten steps
+ to go forward ten steps
+ car stereo
+ to see beyond the stereotype
+ challenging stereotypes
+ to defy stereotypes
+/- gender stereotypes
+ the breakdown of stereotypes
+ on the stern
+ antibiotics and steroids
+ the bubbling sound of boiling and stewing
- as dry as a stick
+ whiting at a stick
+ sweeter than candy on a stick
+ a bamboo stick
- leaned on a crooked stick
+ a glow stick
+ supporting himself on his stick
+ a knotted stick
+ a measuring stick
+ holding a measuring stick
+ a walking stick
+ a bumper sticker
+ adhesive stickers
- the skeleton of a stickleback
+ charcoal sticks
+ drum sticks
+ gathering sticks
+ hockey sticks
+ incense sticks
+ USB memory sticks
+ rode on horses made of sticks
+ galloped on sticks
+ tally sticks
+ Chinese throwing sticks
+ heavy curved throwing sticks
+ to use walking sticks
+ to grow stiff
+ marching stiff
+ breaking the stigma
+ anthers and stigmas
+ high, thin heeled stilettos
- seemed so empty and still
+ silent and still
+ kept silent and still
+ more astounding still
+ to be still
+ better still
- dead still
+ can remember his face still
+ more important still
- to lie still
+ rare still
+ more remarkably still
+ sat still
+ more significantly still
- can't sit still
- hard to sit still
+ no standing still
+/- stands still
+ time races, time stands still
+ to stay still
- beats it with her fists for some time till it was still
- worse still
+ to love you still
+ a stillness, a deep stillness
+ house on stilts
+ designed to be functional and not only aesthetically stimulating
+ deep brain stimulation
+ transcranial direct current stimulation
+ electrocranial stimulation
+ transcranial magnetic stimulation
- a deadly sting
- the bee stings
- so stingy
- to rot and stink
- really stinks
+ receiving a stipend
+/- causing a stir
+ /- caused quite a stir
+ a magnetic stirrer
+ blended with a magnetic stirrer
- half moans, half stirs
+ locks the stitch
+ signature saddle stitching
- out of stock
- forced to drink from a stocking
+ as easily a foot fits into a stocking
+ Christmas neckties and stockings
+ black stockings
+ darning stockings
- wears holes in her stockings
+ taking off his stockings
+ nylon stockings
+ to wear silk stockings
+ woolen stockings
+ fish stocks
- made their feet fast in the stocks
- fastened my feet in the stocks
- to put in the stocks
+/- to live like a stoic
- an empty stomach
- suffering great pain in his stomach
- turned his stomach
- goes against my stomach
- received a blow in the stomach
- kicked him in the stomach
- stabbed him in the stomach
- shot in the stomach
- perforation of the stomach
- rather harsh on the stomach
- bad for a weak stomach
- to turn your stomach
+ scissors, paper, stone
+ as still as a stone
- to cast a stone
+ to fling a stone
- to sink like a stone
+ to roll a stone
+ to sling a stone
- to recount your sorrows to a stone
- smote him into the midriff with a stone
+ an altar stone
+ sling and stone
- to worship their own work in wood and stone
- cold as stone
+ hard as stone
- as heavy as stone
+ sat down to rest on a big stone
- a cherry stone
+ to lay the corner stone
+ a fine stone
+ a foundation stone
+ a high-grade stone
+ paved in stone
+ set in stone
- turning my heart into stone
+ a large stone
+ a marble stone
+ a memorial stone
- a heart of stone
+ melted a heart of stone
- the philosopher's stone
+ more precious than any precious stone
+ a quality stone
+ a rolling stone
+ the Rosetta Stone
+ deciphering the Rosetta Stone
+ deciphering of the Rosetta Stone
+ decoding of the Rosette Stone
+ ancient altars of undressed stone
+ weathered stone
+ a white stone
+ anchor stones
- over stumps and stones
+ adorned with beautiful stones
+ grinding up brightly colored stones
+ costly stones
+ flat stones
- gall stones
+ to hurl stones
- kidney stones
+ to hurl large stones
+ lichened stones
+ to cast the mooring stones
+ a heap of stones
- to break down the wall of stones
+ paving stones
+ precious stones
+ to wear the roughest stones
+ rune stones
+ inlaid with semiprecious stones
+ to cut and set stones
+ skimming stones
+ smooth stones
+ sparkling stones
+ carved on standing stones
+ stepping stones
+ harder than stones
- turning stones
- uncut stones
- crushed under stones
+ picked up stones
- to ruin every good field with stones
- stoned him with stones
+ sat down upon a stool
+ sat down and put her feet upon a stool
+ on a bar stool
+ seated on his little cane stool
+ sits on her stool
+ bar stools
+ stacking stools
+ made a stop
+ a bus stop
+ waiting at the bus stop
+ to ask for directions to the bus stop
+ to come to a complete stop
+ next stop
+ will tell you when to stop
+ a traffic stop
+ extra storage
+ very stable on storage
+ in a bargain store
+ the candy store
- robbed a convenience store
+ the corner store
+ a delicatessen store
+ at the corner drug store
+ at the drug store
+ their flagship store
+ a general store
+ in the grocery store
+ walked down the street to the grocery store
+ a memory store
+ going to the neighborhood store
+ a car parts store
+ a pet store
+ a big-box retail store
+ a seafood store
- ransacked his storehouses
+ department stores
- through windows of department stores
+ drug stores
+ sold in grocery stores
+ retail stores
+ sex stores
- to loot the stores
+ to share their adventure stories
- pretended to be at the scenes of big stories
+ biblical stories
+ creation stories
- derivative stories
+ edifying stories
+ fascinating stories
+ shared their favorite stories
+ fictional stories
+ life stories
+ don't want long-winded love stories
+ a collection of stories
- plagiarized and fabricated dozens of stories
+ old stories
+ short stories
+ collated from a series of short stories
+ to tell stories
+ questioning the veracity of these stories
+ black storks
+ long-legged storks
- capsized in a storm
- overtakes you like a storm
- sworn up a storm
+ sought shelter from an approaching storm
- a very bad storm
+ took the market by storm
+ took the world by storm
- to feel a coming storm
+ announces the coming storm
- a cosmic storm
- a dust storm
+ an ethical storm
- experiencing a frightening storm
- a furious storm
- a geomagnetic storm
- a mighty storm
- the roar of a mighty storm
- a snow storm
- a solar storm
- a terrible storm
- indeed a terrible storm
+ the eye of the storm
+ on, on through the storm
+ sailed through the storm
+ to weather the storm
+ ready to weather the storm
- tropical storm
- a violent storm
- drowned in a violent storm
+ protects us from intense solar radiation and electrical storms
- lightning storms
+ has weathered many storms
- rain storms
+ to create artificial rain storms
- rampant storms
- severe storms
- proved stormy
+ another story
- an apocryphal story
+ a ballad story
+ to tell my kids a bedtime story
+ a cover story
+ would be a different story
- tells a different story
- a dirty story
- a dismal story
- a dreadful story
+ an enigmatic story
+ an enthralling story
+ a family story
- don't know the full story
- reticent in telling the full story
+ tells a fuller story
- a ghost story
- tells his harrowing story
+ a heartfelt story
- making up her story
+ to foreclose a criminal's right to profit through commercial exploitation of his story
+ a horror story
+ an inside story
+ an interesting story
+ my life story
+ to write my life story
+ to write my whole life story
+ to want you to listen to a little story
+/- a long story
+ a war and love story
+ a lovely story
+ to write my story
+ a never-ending story
+ based his play on a contemporary news story
+/- the same old story
+ a very old story
- a painful story
+ tells her personal story
+ based on a real story
+ a rags to riches story
- a sad story
- my sad story
- to tell the same story
+ a secret story
- a shocking story
+ a stirring story
+ a success story
+ the end of the story
+ anxious to know the end of the story
- to tell only part of the story
+ a top story
- a tragic story
+ a true story
+ to tell you a true story
+ an untold story
+ an uplifting story
+ a whimsical story
+ to tell me your story
+ to share your story
+ to warm soup on a stove
+ a cooking stove
+ jerking our hands back from a hot stove
+ a kerosene stove
- burning dollars to light my stove
+ a porcelain stove
+ gas stoves
+ getting the facts straight
+ to follow straight
+ just go straight
+ to go straight
+ to tell her straight
+ to answer it straight
+ finally get it straight
+ to get it straight
+ to set the record straight
+ to stand straight
+ trying to set them straight
+ to set things straight
+ to think straight
+ getting this straight
+ to set you straight
- far from straightforward
+ more straightforward
+ love of straightforwardness
- under stress and strain
- to cause severe emotional strain
- eye strain
+ to stand the strain
- stresses and strains
- too strait
+ a DNA strand
- acting strange
- uncanny mute and strange
+ inured to all that is strange
- nothing novel, nothing strange
- seems strange
- acting so strange
- found the way strange
- pretended to be a stranger
+ never to follow a stranger
- a stranger among strangers
+ to bark at strangers
+ do not air our troubles before strangers
- interrupted by strangers
+ refused to take food from strangers
- wary or afraid of strangers
- fearful of strangers
+ kind to strangers
- no mood to talk with strangers
+ to loosen up my bra strap
+ leather strap
+ slung his bag across his shoulder by the strap
- the piles of sedimentary strata
+ in the right recourse to an old stratagem
+ smiling pleasantly at the success of their stratagem
+ survival strategies
+ to develop your strategies
+ a battle strategy
+ a heuristic strategy
+ to create a marketing strategy
+ the minimax strategy
+ to plan strategy
+ a winning strategy
+ to find the winning strategy
+ a losing, but a winning strategy
+ highlighting the damaging effects of CFCs to the ozone layer in the stratosphere
+ to suck on a straw
+ sucking the juice through a straw
- as dry as straw
- damp straw
+ a drinking straw
+ making bricks of straw
+ a house of straw
- musty old straw
+ a burning risk of hay or straw
+ picked strawberries
+ wild strawberries
+ hand in hand we stray
+ on a winning streak
- to quit while on a winning streak
- to chew down trees to dam a stream
- to fade from time like smoke in air, or ripples on a stream
+ a rushing, foaming stream
+ as patient as a gentle stream
+ a murmuring stream
+ a running stream
+ down by the stream
+ down the stream
+ drifted swiftly down the stream
+ to dip their jars in the stream
+ sported in the stream
+ a winding stream
- black streamers
+ carried cloth streamers
+ thick manes streaming
+ superbly streamlined
+ frothy, foaming streams
- murky streams
+ purling streams
+ the rapid streams
+ to cordon off a street
+ on the back street
- in the crowded street
- an empty street
- a dead end street
+ main street
+ to meet me down on main street
- a rather narrow street
- making an eyesore of our street
+ an internal shopping street
+ took him with him to a little house in a nearby side street
- a torpid slum street
+ lived across the street
- barricading the street
+ crossed the street
- capered naked down the street
- from the second hand store down the street
+ walking down the street
+ facing the street
+ dancing in the street
- defecating in the street
- to faint in the street
- spent the night in the street
+ out in the street
+ playing in the street
+ to line the street
+ at the corner of the street
+ stood by the pole on the corner of the street
- dark end of the street
- in the middle of the street
- avoids me on the street
- to spread their rumors through the street
+ walking up the street
+ a two-way street
- occupying Wall Street
+ a bond trader on Wall Street
+ broad streets
+ building an underground railroad to ease traffic jams on busy streets
+ suited Italy's cramped city streets
+ to stroll along the cobbled streets
+ the crowded streets
- narrow streets
+/- changed the names of streets
- the quiet streets
+ cobbled stone streets
- got lost in the streets
+ trampled them like mud in the streets
+ to walk in the streets
- the ruts of the chariot wheels in the streets
+ captured life on the streets
- rode naked through the streets
+ to walk in procession through the streets
+ to ride in triumph through the streets
- wandering aimlessly through the streets
- to wander through the streets
+ in the prime of his age and strength
+ to give us comfort and strength
+ regained health and strength
+ to grant me help and strength
+ providing support and strength
+ to fight him strength for strength
+ to rival him strength for strength
+ gained strength
+ to gather strength
- barely able to gather back his strength
+ regained his strength
+ showed his strength
+ recovering his strength
+ equal in strength
+ grew in strength
+ increases strength
- to have little strength
- overtaxed my strength
+ to gain new strength
- no strength
+ to conserve our strength
- to exploit our strength
+ vaunting his own strength
- demigod with superhuman strength
+ high tensile strength
+ to test their strength
+ to add more strength to strength
+ tempered to strength
- without strength
+ to reduce fear and stress
- chronic stress
- constant stress
- in constant stress
- extreme stress
- fetal stress
+ to reduce stress
+ to relieve stress
+ to respond to stress
- under stress
+ provides insight into our society's present strengths and stresses
+ to yawn and stretch
- the lonesome stretch
- leaves game on stretcher
+ rope stretchers
- really strict
+ step by step, stride by stride
- to lose your stride
+ a water strider
+ to make big strides
+ to banish sadness and strife
- civil strife
- domestic strife
- hateful strife
- internal strife
- labor strife
- partisan strife
+ to end their strife
+ to forget about your worries and your strife
+ to accept offer, avert strike
- to express their ire over treatment during strike
+ to go on hunger strike
- a napalm strike
+ on strike
+ went on strike
+ to vote to strike
- air strikes
+ to launch air strikes
+ the clock strikes
+ as jumpy as a puppet on a string
- to play with you like a puppet on a string
+ hemp string
- jangling strings
+ to pull the right strings
+ shivering strings
+ soaring strings
+ strums the strings
+ tying strings
+ tied up with strings
+ to stroke your strings
+ against Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip
+ an one-sided twisted strip
+ shoulder stripe
+ the Stars and Stripes
+ face stripes
- a bar stripper
+ paint strippers
+ adhesive bandage strips
+ cartoon strips
+ comic strips
+ remains faithful to his original comic strips
+ to cut into strips
- to do another striptease
- experiencing a stroke
- died following a stroke
+ stroke after stroke
+ strikes the first stroke
+ goes for a stroll
+ to enjoy an afternoon stroll
+ just as brave and strong
+ so burly and strong
+ powerful and strong
+ robust and strong
+ young and strong
+ to take comfort and be strong
+ to be strong
+ becomes strong
+ going strong
+ still going strong
+ to grow strong
+ remains remarkably strong
+ stands strong
+ to stay strong
+ to show ties still strong
- not that strong
- putting the weak at the mercy of the strong
- to despise the weak and yield to the strong
- too strong
+ to keep us strong
+ better, smarter, faster, and stronger
+ greater and stronger
+ became stronger and stronger
- blew stronger and stronger
+ grew stronger and stronger
- the tragedy struck
+ quantum orbital model of atomic structure
- dislikes structure
+ DNA's double-helix structure
+ to distribute stress across the entire structure
+ in a hierarchical structure
+ an if-then structure
+ to study musical structure
+ a root structure
+ a prefabricated structure
+ triangular truss structure
- killed instantly by collapsing structures
+ inner structures
+ coupling molecule to molecule to make larger structures
+ molecular structures
+ sentence structures
+ crisp apple strudels
- not without a struggle
- class struggle
- the noiseless struggle
- in the struggle
- an uphill struggle
+ personal struggles
+ to hear the banjo strumming
- a candle's stub
+ dry stubble
- consumed like dry stubble
- beautiful but stubborn
- feeling stuck
- to get stuck
+ a straight 'A' student
+ an architecture student
+ a young ballet student
+ a civil engineering student
+ a first-rate student
- never regarded himself as a good student
+ a bright child and good student
+ a graduate student
+ a high-school student
- fell in love with his student
+ a law student
+ a medical student
+ an outstanding student
+ enlightened by a polytechnic student
- a prodigal student
+ a scholarship student
- faces thirty years in prison for sex with student
+ adult students
+ Black students
+ college students
+ exchange students
+ foreign students
- harassing students
+ making complicated concepts clear and comprehensible to her students
+ dissected cadavers in front of his students
- sexually harasses one of his students
+ international students
+ anatomical studies
+ began animal studies
+ conducted extensive field studies
+ pursuing graduate studies
- cutting short his studies
- uses the late hours to catch up with his studies
+ brain imaging studies
+ initial studies
+ marketing studies
+ recent studies
+ social studies
+ rented a studio
+ set up a studio
+ made numerous sketches in the open air before continuing the work in his studio
+ set up her first print studio
+ a recording studio
+ in a recording studio
+ in the studio
+ photo studios
+ wears a leather motorbike jacket embellished with studs
+ became a subject for academic resource and study
+ a case study
+ taking several leaves of absence for further study
+ to preach a faith based on methodical study
+ did not limit himself to one particular field of study
- slow of study
- just one study
+ made the human DNA sequence freely available for all to study
+ eager to study
+ to devote more time to study
+ under study
- smoking that cannabis stuff
- scary stuff
+ don't sweat the small stuff
+ to get rid of your unwanted stuff
- weird stuff
- my horse stumbles
- a dead stump
+ sat down on an old stump
- a tree stump
- dead tree stumps
- sat in silence, stunned
- battered and stunned
+ a professional stuntman
+ stands stupefied
- acting stupid
- fat and stupid
- ignorant and stupid
- looked stupid
- saying something stupid
- just sound stupid
- more like stupidity
- acting stupidly
+ the cubist artistic style
+ had a distinctive style
+ his elegant style
+ in grand style
+ became synonymous with high style
+ idiosyncratic style
+ in style
+ dressed in style
+ doing it in style
+ lived in style
+ to change my style
+ to love my style
- not my style
+ to create a new style
- out of style
- going out of style
+ punctilious style
- retro style
+ my singing style
+ the singing style
+ to behave with style
+ to experiment with new sounds and styles
+ hair styles
+ musical styles
+ angular styling
+ with space-age styling
+ makes it stylish
+ the clay writing tablet and accompanying stylus
- participated in the gay subculture
+ a set of assumptions and concepts that underlies a view of a subject
+ becoming a British subject
+ a hotly debated subject
+ chosen a good subject
+ a very practical subject
- a taboo subject
+ to change the subject
+ neutral on the subject
+ known for fearless commentary on a range of controversial subjects
+ unafraid to tackle the most challenging of subjects
+ encompassing an extraordinary range of subjects
+ to converse upon more pleasant subjects
+ poignant subjects
+ solemn and sublime
+ to feel sublime
+ a nuclear submarine
+ nuclear-powered submarine
+ to raise a periscope and view the surface when the craft is submerged
- starved by submission
- to starve it into submission
+ to select one of the other four submissions
- generally looked upon as subordinate
+ obtained a subpoena
+ to quash the subpoena
+ available by subscription
+ sold by subscription
+ the storm subsided
+ detecting trace quantities of a substance
- suspended for banned substance
+ a controlled substance
+ a gooey substance
+ to show they have substance
- no substance
- all flash and no substance
- an odd substance
+ to label poisonous substance
+ to have some substance
+ a waxy substance
+ to identify and neutralize foreign substances
+ nonpolar substances
+ polar substances
+/- radioactive substances
- never substantiated
- no substitute
+ to complement rather than substitute
+ synthetic substitutes
+ improvised substitutions
+ more subtly
+ making multiplication and division as simple as addition and subtraction
+ to reduce multiplications and divisions to simple additions and subtractions
- afraid to succeed
+ never beaten, never cheated, but succeeded
- not a success
+ achieves success
+ wishing him all success
- not a commercial success
+ achieved commercial success
- never achieved commercial success
+ never repeated their earlier commercial success
+ a critical success
- failed to recreate his earlier success
+ enjoying success
+ to find success
+ paved the way for success
+ crucial to future success
+ good success
+ a great success
+ proved to be a great success
+ has been a great success
+ achieved great success
- never achieved great success
+ to give him success
+ enjoyed huge success
+ an immediate success
+ proved an immediate success
+ had immediate success
- not an immediate success
+ an instant success
+ became an instant success
- achieved limited success
- met with mixed success
+ achieved moderate success
+ monstrous success
+ less danger, more success
+ achieved a degree of success
+ has an outright success
+ an overnight success
- a victim of its own success
+ with only partial success
+ achieved remarkable success
+ a roaring success
+ a runaway success
+ a big sales success
+ achieved some success
- enjoyed only modest stage success
+ a stunning success
+ a technical success
+ to embrace their success
+ an unparalleled success
+ enjoyed unprecedented success
+ a vast success
- without success
- tried to follow him but without success
- got ride of her child with two douches without success
+ a worldwide success
+ to wish you success
+ commercially successful
+ hugely successful
+ widely successful
+ to live successfully
+ in succession
+ ascended the throne in succession
- has removed him from the line of succession
+ in quick succession
+ in rapid succession
+ proved himself a worthy successor
+ and such
+ such and such
+ about such and such
+ as such
- all of a sudden
- too sudden
- dies suddenly
- rather suddenly
- ended rather suddenly
- to languish and suffer
- surely suffer
- made us to suffer
- in suffering
- his indifference to suffering
+ to share in our sufferings
+ to heal the sufferings
+ to see through now and am sufficient
- died of suffocation
+ demanding suffrage
+ universal suffrage
+ to ask your voices and your suffrages
+ to bring great riches from trade in slaves and sugar
+ beet sugar
+ brown sugar
+ cane sugar
+ coconut sugar
+ cube sugar
+ grape sugar
+ maple sugar
+ a spoonful of sugar
+ powder sugar
+ table sugar
+ white sugar
- insipid as the chewed-out fiber of sugarcane
+ simple sugars
- to fake treatments that make people better through the power of expectation or suggestion
+ just using the power of positive suggestion
+ to thank you very much for the suggestion
+ agreed readily to the suggestion
+ to thank them for their comments and suggestions
+ to welcome feedback and suggestions
+ to agree to his suggestions
+ offering suggestions
- looks like a suicide
- subliminal messages advocating suicide
- apparent suicide
- found dead in an apparent suicide
- died in apparent suicide
- assisted suicide
- died by suicide
- shot his two accomplices and then committed suicide
- considered suicide
- contemplated suicide
- a double suicide
- killed in murder suicide
- drives them to the brink of suicide
- thoughts of suicide
- having fatal thoughts of suicide
- to commit ritual suicide
- ruled suicide
+ to try to dissuade a would-be suicide
+ a one-piece bathing suit
+ a black suit
+ wearing a brown suit
+ a chemical-warfare suit
+ to encourage them to follow suit
+ followed suit
+ to have since followed suit
- slept in his suit
- lost his suit
+ to buy myself a new suit
- mocks all her wooers out of suit
+ wearing a sailor's suit
+ to settle suit
+ a swimming suit
+ dismissed the suit
+ a basement suite
- the unwelcome suitor
+ bunny suits
+ playing card suits
+ flight suits
+ in their leopard suits
+ lint-free suits
+ shiny suits
+ space suits
+ carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur
+ yellow as sulfur
- to look sulky
- sad and sullen
- to become sullen
- hot and sultry
- so sultry
+ in sum
+ a good round sum
- no small sum
+ earned her doctorate summa cum laude
+ another summer
+ as warm as summer
+ summer by summer
+ celebrating summer
- a hot summer
+ in summer
+ lovely summer
- in the heat of summer
+ to go skating in the winter and bicycling in the summer
- to begin to reek in the summer
+ to hold a summit
+ to hold summit
+ approaching the summit
- never reach the summit
+ to reduce complicated calculations to a series of basic sums
- costing inordinate sums
- the desert sun
+ the early sun
+ the evening sun
- a fierce sun
+ the fiery sun
+ the garnish sun
+ the golden sun
+ like a hidden sun
+ the morning sun
+ the simmering red sun
+ the rising sun
- the setting sun
+ the summer sun
+ as clear as the summer's sun
+ bright as the sun
+ as bright as the sun
+ to continue as long as the sun
+ to follow the sun
+ to gather light from the sun
+ to greet the sun
+ basked in the sun
+ basking in the sun
+ bathing in the sun
+ to lay down in the sun
+ to spread his clothes to dry in the sun
+ shining in the sun
+ sitting in the sun
+ sprawling in the sun
+ standing in the sun
+ stretches in the sun
+ sweating in the sun
+ taking a walk in the sun
+ walking in the sun
+ never look directly into the sun
+ shines like the sun
+ shone like the sun
+ the disc of the sun
- to see the total eclipse of the sun
+ the rising of the sun
- blotting out the sun
+ to revolve round the sun
+ brighter than the sun
- nothing new under the sun
- no new thing under the sun
+ arose with the sun
- dazzled with the sun
- to worship the sun
- weak as the winter sun
+ O wondrous Light! O wondrous Sun!
+ as bright as a sunbeam
+ came to see her regularly every Sunday
+ never on Sunday
+ on Palm Sunday
+ on a summer Sunday
- in sunder
+ at sundown
+ to find her by sundown
- gambled from sunrise until sundown
- wilting sunflowers
+ emotively sung
+ warmly sung
+ black sunglasses
+ polarizing sunglasses
+ wore a black leather jacket and black wraparound sunglasses
+ heated with a magnifying glass and sunlight
+ to capture sunlight
+ to create electricity from sunlight
- fades in sunlight
+ a golden ray of sunlight
+ sparkled in the sunlight
- the fading of colors from exposure to sunlight
+ warm sunlight
+ mostly sunny
+ partly sunny
+ after sunrise
+ at sunrise
+ sunrise sunset, sunset sunrise
+ waiting for the sunrise
+ full-length rollback sunroof
+ at sunrise and sunset
+ at sunset
+ broke his fast at sunset
+ the purple haze at sunset
+ before sunset
+ by sunset
+ to enjoy the sunset
+ rain and sunshine
+ drying grapes in sunshine
+ to love sunshine
+ Mr. Sunshine
+ a ray of sunshine
+ sometimes rain, sometimes sunshine
+ in the sunshine
+ the warm sunshine
+ bright with sunshine
+ to fill my life with sunshine
- dark sunspots
+ at sunup
+ twin-turbo supercars
+ becomes a superconductor
+ considers himself superior
+ intellectually superior
+ becomes superhuman
+ required a supermajority
+ created Batman by inverting nearly all the characteristics of Superman
+ at the supermarket
+ seems to be supernatural
- exploded as supernovae
- too small to have exploded into supernovas
+ exists in a state of superposition
+ emerging as an unrivaled industrial superpower
+ marked by superscript
+ goes supersonic
+ to fly supersonically
+ found its newest superstar
- not quite free from superstition
- an old superstition
- very superstitious
+ at supper
+ at a hearty supper
- the Last Supper
+ eating their supper
+ enjoyed their supper
+ finished their supper
+ herbal supplements
+ nutritional supplements
+ testosterone supplements
+ vitamin supplements
+ amply supplied
+ to subcontract parts of their commissioned work to an external supplier
+ to recall all supplies
+ checking our needs, renewing our supplies
+ stationery supplies
- limited supply
- in short supply
+ to depend on melting glaciers for their water supply
+ to gain wide attention and support
+ to offer comfort and support
+ to provide emotional support
+ leaned against the fence for support
+ to lean for support
+ gaining support
+ getting more government support
+ life support
+ on life support
- lack of support
+ to provide one-on-one support
+ to provide support
+ received support
+ to seek support
+ to show support
+ social support
+ pledged their support
+ has since gained wider support
+ to thank you for your support
+ a fervent supporter
+ a staunch supporter
+ claims millions of supporters
+ resting on four supports
+ I suppose
+ no ifs, no ands, no buts, or suppose
- extreme white supremacists
+ economic supremacy
+ battled for supremacy
+ racial supremacy
+/- white supremacy
+/- to promote white supremacy
+ young and sure
+ to be sure
+ doubly sure
+ to make doubly sure
- not exactly sure
+ for sure
+ definitely for sure
- couldn't say for sure
- not sure
+ pretty sure
+ quite sure
+ one thing sure
+ surely, surely
+ slowly but surely
+ the swaying kelp in the surf
+ a flat surface
+ a smooth surface
+ changing their color in accordance with the surrounding surface
- to walk upon the water without sinking below the surface
- only scratch the surface
- to scratch the surface
- just scratching the surface
+ likely to surface
+ curved surfaces
+ flat plane surfaces
- pointed surfaces
+ to smooth out the surfaces
+ waxing down our surf-boards
+ good against surfeits
+ to prevent surfeits
+ gone surfing
- creating a power surge
+ an army surgeon
+ one of the most celebrated surgeons
+ robot surgeons
+ the use of ligatures to stem the flow of blood during surgeries
+ antiseptic surgery
+ transnasal brain surgery
+ fetal surgery
+ recovering from surgery
+ keyhole surgery
+ laparoscopic surgery, keyhole surgery
+ laser surgery
+ to encourage deep breathing after major surgery
+ open-heart surgery
+ an emergency, open-heart surgery
+ plastic surgery
+ reconstructive surgery
+ robotic surgery
- sham surgery
+ I surmise
- looked at each other with a wild surmise
- condemned upon surmises
- weak surmises
+ to wear the surplice
+ trade surplus
+ war surplus
+ to get a surprise
+ a big surprise
+ caught by surprise
+/- took them by surprise
+ to everyone's surprise
+ to her surprise
+ stared at them in surprise
+/- to my surprise
+ brings a new surprise
- no surprise
- to come as no surprise
+ a sense of surprise
+ led to surprise
+ to your surprise
+ as if surprised
+ looked surprised
+ maybe surprised
+ still full of surprises
- not be surprising
- not surprising
- scarely surprising
+ still very surprising
+ more surprisingly
- not surprisingly
- perhaps not surprisingly
+ rather surprisingly
+ somewhat surprisingly
- I surrender
- hesitated to surrender
- unconditional surrender
+ to know your surroundings
+ military surveillance
+ remote surveillance
+ under surveillance
+ released the results of a survey
+ land survey
+ a recent survey
+ to take the survey
+ built his theory on the basis of case studies rather than experiments or large scale surveys
+ competition for survival
- lacked a steady income for survival
+ struggle for survival
+ for national survival
+ to do what we got to do to survive
- struggling to survive
+ I will survive
+ the sole survivor
+ breast cancer survivors
+ to search for quake survivors
+ eating sushi
+ raw like sushi
+ to identify a suspect
+ to release a sketch of a suspect
- I suspect
+ to nap suspect
+ to seek suspect
+ to enlist outside help to hunt shooting suspect
+ seeking information on stabbing suspect
- more serious than I suspected
- tested on criminal suspects
+ against the coercive interrogation of suspects
+ mystery and suspense
+ to create suspense
+ in suspense
+ keeping us all in suspense
+ held their breaths in suspense
+ to keep us in suspense
+ the thrill of suspense
- faces suspension
- license suspension
- aroused suspicion
- quickly aroused her suspicion
- arrested on suspicion
- aroused your suspicion
+ to confirm your suspicion
- became morose and suspicious
+ to remain sustainable
+ to provide me with sustenance
+ a surgical suture
+ synthetic sutures
+ alcohol swabs
+ no swagger
+ a darting swallow
- a hard pill to swallow
- a tough pill to swallow
- tough to swallow
- difficulty swallowing
+ the birds of passage, especially the storks and the swallows
+ the beautiful white swans swam
- a slimy swamp
+ the mud of the swamp
+ to live in swamps
+ a large black swan
- the dying swan
+ a graceful swan
+ the snow-white swan
+ a trumpeter swan
+ a white swan
+ a graceful white swan
+ a large white swan
+ black swans
+ gorgeous swans
+ a flock of swans
+ flocks of white swans
+ as light as a puff of swansdown
+ ran on the green sward
+ grassy sward
+ a fly swatter
+ to swing and sway
+ palm trees sway
- swears swear
- blood and sweat
- toil and sweat
- covered with cold sweat
- soaked with sweat
+ to knit a sweater
+ a black sweater
+ a white sweater
+ striped sweaters
+/- in tight sweaters
- trembling and sweating
+ on sweatshirt
+ to cook and clean and sweep
+ to cook and sweep
+ a street sweeper
+ street sweeping
+ so lovely and sweet
+ so young and sweet
+ brief but sweet
+ looks sweet
+ my own, my sweet
+ smells sweet
+ so sweet
- produced urine that tasted sweet
+ tastes sweet
+ a zero-calorie sweetener
+ artificial sweeteners
+ to make the sweet the sweeter
+ to have a sweetheart
+ college sweetheart
+ little sweetheart
- kills his pregnant sweetheart
+ his high school sweetheart
+ the love of sweethearts
+ sang sweetly
+ to sleep sweetly
+ sings very sweetly
+ fond of sweets
+ sour sweets
- ocean swell
+ to come swiftly
+ spreads out his hands to swim
+ to sink or swim
+ a keen swimmer
- bad swimmers
+ good swimmers
- a danger to inexperienced swimmers
+ as welcome as land to swimmers
+ a two-piece swimsuit
- wearing blue swimsuits
+ to eat swine
+ in full swing
+ the pendulum swing
+ hips swinging
- bipolar mood swings
+ an electronic switch
- gave the donkey a sharp blow with his switch
+ an on-off switch
+ a simple pull-cord on-off switch
+ a flick of the switch
+ light switches
+ an intricate network of switches
+ bunches of fern fronds and willow switches
+ packet switching
- to sigh and swoon
+ recovers from his swoon
- to pierce like a sword
+ to whet a sword
- a bloody sword
+ a bronze sword
+ a double-edge sword
- falls on his sword
+ wields his sword
+ a long sword
+ to swear by my sword
+ to draw my sword
- sword on sword
- decides to fall upon his own sword
- raised sword
- an old rusty sword
+ a steel sword
- to live by the sword
+ escaped the edge of the sword
+ the hilt of the sword
+ preached submission to Allah before picking up the sword
+ as sharp as a two-edged sword
- the clang of sword upon sword
+ to hold your sword
+ to sheathe your sword
- to brandish swords
+ stood guarding him with drawn swords
+ waved their fiery swords
+ flaming swords
- gory swords
+ to sharpen their tongues like swords
+ ornate swords
- swinging swords
+ saluted with their swords
+ to put up your swords
+ swayed and swung
+ the Bitten Apple symbol
- the biohazard symbol
+ the trash can symbol
+ the circle-A symbol
+ the Extinction symbol
+ the Fair-trade symbol
+ an infinity symbol
+ the power on/off symbol
+ the peace symbol
+ the rainbow symbol
+ the universal recycling symbol
+ a royal symbol
- a sex symbol
+ a status symbol
+ a radioactive trefoil symbol
- altered his name to an unpronounceable symbol
+ the woolmark symbol
+ alchemy symbols
+ modern chemical symbols
+ electrical symbols
+ naval flag symbols
+ graphic symbols
+ identification symbols
+ manipulating symbols
+ mathematical symbols
- occult symbols
+ evolved from pictorial symbols
+ religious symbols
+ standardized symbols
+ traffic symbols
+ the five-fold symmetry
+ always looking for symmetry
+ the six-fold symmetry
+ human sympathy
+ in sympathy
+ just asking for a little sympathy
- to impinge too much upon my sympathy
+ generated national sympathy
+ to need sympathy
- to need no sympathy
+ a man of sympathy
- out of sympathy
+ to appreciate our sympathy
+ composing symphonies
+ the Ninth Symphony
+ to die after they write their ninth symphony
- an unfinished symphony
+ to interpret unconscious conflicts that caused harmful symptoms
- to convert their psychological distress into physical symptoms
- the conversion of psychological trauma into physical symptoms
+ sending signals between synapses
- still not in sync
- blue baby syndrome
- chronic fatigue syndrome
+ not synonymous
+ inhibits DNA synthesis
+ to isolate, purify, and synthesize
+ a voice synthesizer
+ cheap synths
- suffering dementia caused by the sexually transmitted disease syphilis
- suffered from tertiary syphilis
+ corn syrup
+ maple syrup
+ sweeter than syrup
+ the airbag system
+ to make a backward-compatible system
+ the banking system
- the collapse of the banking system
+ base-ten system
+ online booking system
+ the antilock braking system
+ to go through it system by system
+ the cable car system
+ a closed system
+ to change forms but remain constant in a closed system
+ the air traffic control system
+ the commercial cooling system
+ base 60 counting system
+ the alternating current system
+ a coordinate system
+ used the binary system (1s and 0s) rather than the decimal system (0 to 9)
+ the digestive system
+ the economic system
+ the endocrine system
- the feudal system
+ opposes the control that it believes large corporations have over the global financial system
+ a grid system
+ the human ABO blood group system
- died with fentanyl, cocaine in his system
+ the honor system
+ the immune system
+ a potent suppressor of the immune system
+/- suppressing the immune system
+ to cut backlog in system
+ the legal system
+ the lymphatic system
+ a macroscopic system
+ the metric system
+ the muscular system
- a nuclear missile system
+ a surface-to-air missile system
+ satellite navigation system
+ the autonomic nervous system
+ the central nervous system
+/- to depress the central nervous system
+ to stimulate the central nervous system
+ the peripheral nervous system
+ the binary number system
+ the Hindu-Arabic number system
+ the positional number system
+ operating system
+ Global Positioning System
+ a pulley system
+ with night vision and radar system
+ the male reproductive system
+ the female reproductive system
+ the cardiovascular and respiratory system
+ the upper respiratory system
+ the schooling system
+ a sealed system
+ a self-regulating system
+ a sewer system
+ XY sex-determination system
+ the skeletal system
+ the inner solar system
+ the outer solar system
+ to use gravity assists to fly past all four giant planets in the outer solar system
+ the solar system
+ puts the sun at the center of the solar system
+ orbiting backward compared to all of the other known moons of the solar system
+ a center-pivot sprinkler system
+ to power the back wheel via a sprocket-and-chain system
+ a double star system
+ a forkless hub steering system
+ the underground stormwater system
+ block and tackle system
- a telegraph system
- the disorder in the system
+ reducing interest rates and buying bonds to increase the money in the system
+ two-tier system
+ a sophisticated springless valve system
+ to think analytically and systematically
+ AI systems
+ auto-pilot systems
+ the body systems
+ fiber-optic communications systems
- replicates itself and propagates through computer systems
+ time-sharing computing systems
+ data-compression systems
+ functional systems
- dropped gravity bombs with no guidance systems
+ fuel injection systems
+ removed from service and replaced by cheaper, more modern systems
+ shoplifting prevention systems
+ sewage systems
+ introduced sewage systems
+ satellite TV systems