clad in arms +
clad in sable and silk +
clad in silk and velvet +
clad in steel +
clad in mourning black -
claim a winning ticket +
claim his promise +
claim my due +
claim perfect consistency +
claim the victory +
claim the winnings +
claim their prize +
claim to fame +
claimed sovereignty +
claimed the crown +
claimed to be his illegitimate offspring -
claimed to do many things he could not do -
claiming few influences himself +
claiming immunity +
claiming to be the son of God +
claims millions of supporters +
claims narrow win +
claims victory +
clambered across a pile of rubble -
clamorous cry -
clamorous groans -
clandestine love affairs -
clang and chatter -
clang of sword upon sword, the -
clap of thunder +
clap your hands +
clap your hands now and do a little jig +
clapped her hands in glee +
clapped his hands in delight +
clapped his wings +
clapped your hands and stamped your feet +
clapping hands +
clapping her hands with sweetly twinkling bracelets +
claps his knees and pleads for life +
clarified the situation +
clarify information +
clarify the issue +
clash of values, a -
clashes with authority -
clashes with his parents -
clashing dissonances -
clasp each other, heart to heart +
clasped the girl to her bosom +
clasps her hands +
clasps his head in his hands -
class of its own, a +
class struggle -
class tension -
classic cars +
classic layer cake, a +
classic music enthusiast, a +
classic novels +
classic rock +
classic tune, a +
classical ballet +
classical farce +
classical music +
classical physics +
classical works +
classically speaking +
classified organisms based on their similarities +
classified top secret +
classify living organisms, using genus and species names +
classifying objects +
clatter and clamor -
clatter of horses' hoofs, the +
clattering castanets +
clay cuneiform tablet , a +
clay huts +
clay pipe, a +
clay tablets -
clay tokens +
clay writing tablet and accompanying stylus, the +
clean and clear +
clean and neat +
clean and tidy +
clean clothes +
clean filthy stables +
clean it up +
clean slate, a +
clean the pots and kettles +
clean up inactive oil and gas wells +
clean water +
clean your gun and sleep on it +
cleaned ponds +
cleaned up the act +
cleaning gutters +
cleaning out cesspits +
cleaning turnips +
cleaning up his image crisis +
cleaning up my backyard +
cleans his chops +
clear, clean spring, a +
clear and clean +
clear and transparent +
clear as crystal +
clear as day +
clear cornea, the +
clear diamond, a +
clear habitants -
clear him of wrongdoing +
clear hurdle +
clear lymph fluid +
clear my path +
clear my throat +
clear of my responsibility +
clear running water +
clear skies +
clear the doubt +
clear up confusion +
clear water +
clear weather +
clear your voice +
cleared his throat and spoke up +
cleared of assault allegation +
cleared of committing heresy +
cleared of son's death in second trial +
cleared the confusion +
cleared up a lot of the confusion +
clearing his throat +
clearing land +
clearing of forests +
clearing the way +
clearly acceptable +
clearly rare and highly prized +
clearly resonated with listeners as well +
clearly truncated -
clearly unacceptable -
clearly understands oneself +
clears away the cobwebs +
clears her dead father's house +
clears her from all blame +
clears the nose +
clears up doubts +
cleaver with a keen edge, a +
cleaving a piece of wood with two wedges +
cleaving the whole shoulder clear of neck and back -
cleft palate, a -
clench your fist +
clenched fists -
clenched for the tussle -
clenched his teeth -
clever man, a +
clever man with a cheerful disposition, a +
click chemistry +
click your fingers +
click your heels +
clicking of castanets, the +
climate analysis, a +
climate change -
climate science +
climb a mountain +
climb a staircase +
climb a tree +
climb Everest +
climb into bed +
climb on my back +
climb over a wall +
climb steep hills +
climb the ladder +
climb the ladder up to fortune and fame +
climb the social ladder +
climb the stairs +
climb up the winding stone staircase +
climbed a hill +
climbed all the way to No. 1 +
climbed down the wall +
climbed into his bed +
climbed into the howdah +
climbed onto their steeds +
climbed the spiral stairway +
climbed to the loft and opened a trapdoor in the roof +
climbed trees for birds' eggs +
climbed up into the oak tree, and shook down the acorns +
climbed up the ladder +
climbing on rainbows -
climbing the walls +
climbing up the career ladder +
climbing vines +
climbs onto his shoulders to see her up close and personal +
climbs the pulpit +
climbs the vantage points +
climbs up mountains +
cling and clutch +
cling to each other +
cling to their makeshift raft +
cling to what is good +
clings to caregiver +
clings to life -
clings to power +
clinical trials +
clinically brain dead -
clinked glasses together +
clinked glasses with him +
clinking of glasses +
clinks and clanks -
clip the wool +
clip your wings so you can't fly -
cloak room, the +
clock face, the +
clock in a glass case, a +
clock strikes, the +
clock tolls, the -
clock tower, a +
clocked a record 7,232 kph +
clockwise and counterclockwise spirals +
clog dancing +
clog the pipe -
clone genes from one species into another -
clone the endangered species +
clone whole mammals +
cloning an animal +
cloning an individual -
close a deal +
close and lock the door +
close at hand +
close by each other +
close enough +
close every door to me -
close friend, a +
close friend of mine, a +
close gap +
close more redundant agencies +
close my eyes and say a prayer +
close one eye +
close race, a +
close relative, a +
close the curtains +
close the deal +
close the door tight +
close to death -
close to despair -
close to finalizing new trade deal +
close to midnight +
close to peak fitness +
close to the edge -
close to the end +/-
close your eyes +
close your eyes and hold your breath +
close your eyes and sleep, sleep +
closed after reaching capacity +
closed her career +
closed his eyes and died -
closed his mind to the past and focused it on the immediate future +
closed its eyes +
closed the lid of the coffin and hammered in the nails +
closed tureen, a +
closed until further notice -
closed system, a +
closely associated +
closely followed his steps +
closely guarded secret, a +
closely related +
closer and closer +/-
closer and closer together +
closer look, a +
closer now +
closer reading +
closes in on record -
closing in on every side -
closely clipped little white poodle, a +
close-up view, a +
cloth fibers -
cloth masks -
cloth merchant, a +
clothed in a splendid trailing gown +
clothed in glittering hoarfrost +
clothed in rich apparel +
clothed in royal purple +
clothes basket, a +
clothes irons +
clothing design +
clothing designer, a +
clothing label, a +
clothoid loops +
cloud chamber, the +
cloud computing +
cloud forests +
clouded moon, the -
cloudless day, a +
cloudless sky, a +
clouds cleared, the +
clouds gathered, the +
cloudy all day -
cloudy day, a -
cloudy skies -
cloven hoof +
clowning around +
club badges +
club chess player, a +
club foot, a -
clucks loudly after laying an egg +
clumsy movements -
cluster bombs -
cluster munitions -
cluster of galaxies +
cluster to me like moths around a flame +/-
clustered together +
clutched the wooden banister +
coal merchant, a +
coal miner, a +
coal mines +
coal tar +
coal-black Moor, a +
coal-fired power plants -
coalesce together +
coalition forces +
coarse joke, a -
Coast Guard, the +
coast to coast +
coast to coast shows
coastal line, the +
coastal town, a +
coat hanger, a +
coat of arms +
coat of many colors, a +
coated in radar-absorbent black paint +
coated with resin and would harden to a golden sheen +
coated with tar and pitch +
cobalt blue +
cobbled stone streets +
cobwebs on the ceiling -
cocaine and crack -
cocaine addict, a -
cockchafers hummed, the +
cochlear implants +
cocktail party, a +
cocoa beans +
cocoa pods +
coconut fibers +
coconut leaves +
coconut milk +
coconut oil +
coconut pods +
coconut sugar +
coconut water +
cod liver oil +
code of conduct +
code of life, the +
codes and ciphers +
codes of ethics +
codes of law +
codified racial segregation and enshrined it in the law +
coding secret messages +
coeval with the mountain itself +
coexist without ire +
coffee and tea +
coffee beans +
coffee break time +
coffee breaks +
coffee cup, a +
coffee cup stain, a -
coffee ground -
coffee growers +
coffee houses +
coffee mill, a +
coffee mug, a +
coffee plantation, a +
coffee pot, a +
coffee producers +
coffee shop, a +
coffee workers +
coffin ships -
cogs and wheels +
cogs in a wheel +
cogs of an engine, the +
coiled his tail +
coiled wires +
coin boxes +
coin flip, a +
coin tosses +
coined money +
coin-operated vending machines +
coin-operated video game, a +
cold, cold night, a -
cold and numb -
cold and wet fog -
cold as ice +
cold as stone -
cold at night -
cold beer, a +
cold case, a -
cold cash -
cold cup of tea, a +
cold economy, a -
cold gas +
cold indifference -
cold oatmeal -
cold pack, a +
cold remedies +
cold sores -
cold war, a -
cold water +
cold weather -
cold wind blew, the -
cold winds, the -
colder north, the -
collaborate in virtual space +
collagen protein +
collapse and fall -
collapse of the banking system, the +
collapse of wave functions, the -
collapsed and fell into a coma -
collapsed on court -
collapsed onstage -
collapsed stars -
collapsed under the weight of the audience -
collapsed under the weight of too much contradictory evidence -
collapsed with a heart attack -
collapses into neutron star -
collapses under its own gravity -
collapsible bike, a +
collapsible bottles +
collapsible spyglass, a +
collard greens +
collated from a series of short stories +
collect and organize the information +
collect data +
collect feedback +
collect information from your unconscious +
collect my lotto check +
collect myself +
collect radio waves from satellites in orbit around the Earth +
collect specimens +
collect the dues +
collect tithes +
collected bones from charred houses -
collected evidence +
collected trash +
collecting art +
collecting data and drawing inferences from them +
collecting firewood +
collecting information +
collecting rents +
collecting samples +
collecting satellite signals +
collecting sensitive information +
collecting taxes +
collecting votes +
collection of stories, a +
collection of views, a +
collections of data +
collective, social life +
collective efforts of the team, the +
collective memory +
collective of prayer of Islam, the +
collects his thoughts for a moment +
collects pollen from a flower +
college football coach, a +
college professor, a +
college students +
college sweetheart +
collide head on -
collide two streams of protons together traveling at nearly the speed of light +
collide with one another -
collided on a fogbound runway -
colloquial expressions +
colon cancer -
color blind -
color blindness -
color box, a +
color his drawings +
color it one color +
color map, a +
color of pink, the +
color photo, a +
color photograph, a +
color photography +
color TV, a +
color TV broadcast +
color wheel, the +
colored ball, a +
colored butterflies +
colored eggs +
colored flowers +
colored glass +
colored her hair +
colored meerschaum, a +
colored painting, the +
colored paper +
colored pencil illustration, a +
colored pencils +
colored prints +
colored zips +
colorful, rhythmically rich score, a +
colorful bands +
colorful figure, a +
colorful life, a +
coloring cakes +
colossal hall, a +
Colt revolver, a +
column of smoke, a -
columned portico +
comb the wool +
comb their hair and part it in the middle +
comb your hair +
combat bias in AI +
combat disease +
combat hypocrisy +
combat isolation +
combat sports +
combat terrorism +
combat trademark counterfeiting and cybersquatting +
combat veterans +
combative sports +
combating boredom +
combating loneliness +
combed his mane and tail +
combination lock, a +
combination of an electric battery and a gas engine, a +
combine a whole-number ratios to form new chemical compounds +
combine harvester, a +
combine in simple ratios +
combine your hearts in one +
combined in fixed ratios +
combustible materials +
combustion chamber, a +
come, come +
come, come to me +
come a long way -
come after me -
come again +
come alive +
come along +
come and ask after your health +
come and bring your mate +
come and dance everybody +
come and dance with me +
come and follow me +
come and go -
come and go with me +
come and gone +
come and gone so fast -
come and help +
come and help me up +
come and join the dance +
come and join the fun +
come and kill us with soapsuds -
come and nab me -
come and play +
come and see +
come and sing +
come and sing and dance along +
come and spoil the fun -
come and walk with us +
come as a last resort +
come as no surprise -
come as you are +
come at a hefty price -
come at a high price -
come at a price +
come at the right time +
come at the wrong time -
come back +
come back again +/-
come back home +
come back home with empty hands -
come back safely +
come back to comfort your sorrowing father +
come back to life +
come back to me +
come close to perfection +
come closer +
come disguised as harmless sheep -
come fly with me +
come forward +
come from a distant country +
come from a distant island +
come from all walks of life +
come here +
come here from all parts of the world +
come here less often -
come here quite often +
come here sometime +
come home +
come home for the holidays +
come home from off tour +
come home safe +
come in, come over +
come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes +
come in all sizes +
come in an easy way +
come in at your back door +
come in many guises -
come in quickly +
come in the house +
come in time to attend +
come inside +
come into effect +
come into my heart +
come into your life +
come join us +
come just as you are +
come looking for a job +
come my way +
come near me +
come nearer to me +
come now and follow me +
come often +
come on +
come on a friendly mission +
come on back another day +
come on business +
come on in +
come on over +
come out from nowhere -
come out of nowhere +
come out to play +
come out tonight +
come over and see +
come over here +
come rain or come shine +
come right in +
come running to see you again +
come so late -
come sooner +/-
come swiftly +
come to a complete stop +
come to a halt -
come to bed +
come to bed with me +
come to close -
come to court her +
come to deliver his message +
come to deliver you from your misery +
come to get my money back +
come to have the warrant that we may be admitted where he is +
come to his aid +
come to join us at the table +
come to know +
come to life +
come to light again +
come to me +
come to me tomorrow +
come to my attention +
come to my house every time they came into town +
come to my rescue +
come to nothing -
come to prominence +
come to realize their limits +
come to search the house -
come to stay for good and all +
come to terms on record deal +
come to the brow of the hill +
come to the rescue +
come to the shrine to worship -
come to try themselves out +
come to us as favorers, not as foes +
come to you by nature +
come to you in sheep's clothing -
come to your senses +
come together +
come together once again +
come up the hill +
come up with new and useful ideas +
come what can come +
come what may +
come what might +
come whenever you like +
come with all good will +
come with me +
come with nothing -
come within sight +
come without delay +
come yourself with speed to us again +
comely youth, a +
comes as often as he wants +
comes at great personal cost -
comes blubbered -
comes from a broadside +
comes from a variety of sources +
comes from political right, with a focus on sex, and from the left, with a focus on race +
comes full circle +
comes in my mind +
comes marching home +
comes once in a lifetime +
comes out exactly as you predict +
comes out first in ranking +
comes safe home +
comes sooner rather than later +
comes to a close -
comes to a conclusion +
comes to a dead halt +
comes to a happy ending +
comes to end +
comes to fruition +
comes to the same thing +/-
comes up heads +
comes up tails +
comes with a cost +
comes with major proposal +
comes up big +
comes up short -
comes your way +/-
comet year, a good year; a +
comfort, good comfort +
comfort and security +
comfort food +
comfort her +
comfort myself with hopeful thoughts +
comfort you in your grief +
comfortable bed, a +
comfortable dwelling, a +
comforted each other +
comforted her with the best words he could find +
comforted them somewhat +
comforts his sorrowing wife +
comic books +
comic character, a +
comic masterpiece, a +
comic plot, the +
comic strips +
coming and going +
coming attractions +
coming back from vespers +
coming back home never more to roam +
coming back now +
coming closer and closer +/-
coming from nowhere -
coming home to you +
coming in search of you from remote and far distant lands +
coming in view +
coming of the night, the +
coming out after us -
coming out of hibernation +
coming out of the pandemic +
coming to an end +
coming to town +
coming to you with a love forever more +
coming up next +
coming up the subway stairs +
command center, a +
command module, the +
commanding ghostly troops with weird groans -
commanding yet not overbearing +
commemorated by a statue +
commemorates the lives of people abducted or unlawfully arrested and killed +
commemorating the new year +
commemorative plaque, a +
commemorative watch, a +
commend her volubility +
commend me to him +
commend me to your lady +
commend the matter to God +
commend those do right +
commend your works +
commend yourself to God +
commercial aircraft, a +
commercial artist, a
commercial chef, a +
commercial cooling system, the +
commercial failure, a -
commercialize space travel +
commercially successful +
commissioned a painter to paint a picture +
commissioned by wealthy patrons +
commissioned for the opening of the opera house +
commissioned him to produce a slanted design to replicate handwriting +
commissioner for oaths, a +
commit acts of violence -
commit crime -
commit no crime +
commit ritual suicide -
commit terrible crime in the name of complying with authority -
commit yourself +
commits suicide by swallowing arsenic -
commits suicide when he cannot win the married woman -
commits suicide when his devious scheme collapses -
committed a fatal error -
committed a felony -
committed Christian, a +
committed crimes -
committed infanticide -
committed many crimes -
committed of perjury -
committed relationship. a +
committed sin -
committed suicide by starvation -
committed suicide in jail -
committed to the same clause +
committed violent acts -
committed wrong on wrong -
committing a grave misdemeanor -
committing acts of sabotage against the apartheid state of South Africa +
committing fraud -
common area, the +
common cold -
common expenses +
common grave, a -
common ground +
common in nature +
common knowledge +
common name, a +
common parlance +
common people +
common sense +
common tasks +
communal society, a -
communicable diseases -
communicate over distances +
communicate over long distances +
communicate with other systems over an Ethernet network +
communicate with the dead in the next world -
communications satellite, a +
Communist Manifesto, the +
Communist party, a -
Communist society, a -
community leader, a +
compact discs +
compact fluorescent bulbs +
compact fluorescent light, a +
company logos +
comparative anatomy +
comparatively simple matter, a +
compare and classify things +
compared his engine to the amount of power those horses had +
compares faces +
compares lines +
comparing apples to oranges -
comparing numbers +
comparing themselves with other groups +
compassionate and gracious +
compel her to do my bidding -
compelled to shut our shops -
compensated for its shortcomings +
compete against each other +
compete for resources +
compete for the love of a princess +
competing budget priorities +
competing for a contract +
competing for medals +
competing for the silver, bronze and gold +
competition for scarce resources, the +
competitive sports +
compilation of tables +
compile information +
compiled an extensive discography +
compiling the Torah, the body of Jewish wisdom and law +
complain of the heat of the day -
complained about their loud singing -
complained to him not just once but often -
complement one another +
complete a project +
complete a single orbit +
complete ban on human reproductive cloning, a +
complete forms +
complete mystery, a +
complete the sentence +
complete with diagrams +
completed his doctorate +
completed the textbook +
completed PhD +
completely bald -
completely burn the town -
completely calm +
completely captivated by music +
completely consumed -
completely covers the Sun's disk +
completely different person, a -
completely erase the memory -
completely fictitious +
completely incomprehensible -
completely insignificant -
completely irreversible -
completely obliterated -
completely true statement, a +
completely unregulated -
completes a masters degree +
completes PhD in physics +
complex and puzzling case, a -
complex matter, a -
complex numbers -
complex personalities -
complex process, a +
complex situation, a -
compliance with duty rather than duty for duty's sake -
complimenting each other +
complimenting their differences +
comply with his demand +
complying with orders to kill +
compose a message +
compose songs +
composed in dialogue form +
composed in his off-hours +
composed myself
composed of a multitude of faint stars -
composed of sixty carbon atoms +
composed of tiny, indivisible particles +
composed when he was 17 +
composing her own novels +
composing lyrics +
composing poems +
composing rhythmical images based on musical arrangements +
composing symphonies +
composite figure, a +
composite image, a +
composite panels +
composition and grammar +
compost toilet, a +
composts with fair-use criteria +
compound a boy, half French, half English +
compound bow, the +
compound interest +
compound microscope, a +
compound pulley, the +
compressed air +
compressed gases +
compulsive drinker, a -
compulsory education +
compulsory medical checkup, a +
computer age, the +
computer animation +
computer chip, a +
computer core memory +
computer engineers +
computer game industry, the +
computer industry, the +
computer network, the +
computer power +
computer processors +
computer programming +
computer revolution, the +
computer science +
computer time +
computer vision +
computer whiz kid, a +
computer worm, a -
computer-aided design +
computer-generated imagery +
con artists -
con man, a -
concave lens +
conceal it +
conceal some secret errand +
conceal the fact -
conceal the truth -
concealed my feelings +
concealing their gender under pen names +
conceals a very dark character -
conceded the election -
conceited thing -
conceived a child +
concentrate alcohol by freezing it +
concentrate on what is important rather than focusing on everything at once +
concentrated form of energy, a +
concentration camps -
concentric butts +
concentric circles +
concentric rings of consciousness +
concept of algorithm, the +
concept that the mind controls the body, but the body can also influence the mind, the +
concept of rule by the people, the +
concept of the epigenetic landscape, the +
concept of zero, the +
concern for decades, a -
concerning the future course of his life +
concerns no one but me +
concerns over food adulteration -
concert halls +
concert venue, a +
concise account, a +
conclusively justify its existence +
concrete arch-gravity dam, a +
concrete example, a +
concrete jungle +/-
concrete pier, a +
concur together +
condemn people -
condemn them -
condemn to eternal torture in hell -
condemn violence +
condemn you to death -
condemned apartheid +
condemned by the Catholic Church and forced to recant -
condemned for his writings -
condemned her to die by fire -
condemned him to a severe flogging for some trifling offense -
condemned to death -
condemned to die -
condemned to die for treason -
condemned to everlasting fire or eternal torment -
condemned to misery -
condemned to slavery and servitude -
condemned to solitary confinement for life -
condemned upon surmises -
condemns protests +
conditional branching +
conditional reflexes +
conduct a mandatory roadside breath test +
conduct a search for extraterrestrial intelligence +
conduct electricity without any resistance +
conduct experiments +
conduct military coups -
conduct our daily lives +
conducted a series of experiments +
conducted extensive field studies +
conducted the orchestra +
conducting electricity +
conductor's podium, the +
conducts an annual poll +
cones and rods +
cones of ice cream +
cone-shaped shock wave, the -
confer about some matter +
conference table, a +
confess everything +
confess my ignorance +
confess the fraud +
confess your wilful abuse +
confessed his treason +
confessed she never loved you -
confessed to his crime +
confessed traitor, a -
confessing under torture -
confidence of the people, the +
confident and capable +
confident but not arrogant +
confident in their ability and authority +
confidential letters +
confined as a political prisoner -
confined by a snood +
confined in a tower after a bout of madness +
confined in an asylum -
confined to a wheelchair -
confined to an insane asylum -
confined to her bed -
confined to psychiatric asylum -
confirm it +
confirm my point +
confirm the vow +
confirm this view +
confirm your suspicion +
confirmed by official marks +
confirms death +
confiscated firearms +
confiscated goods -
confiscated their properties -
conflict with one another -
conflicted passions -
conflicting beliefs -
conflicts of values -
conflicts within, the -
conformed to the latest safety regulations +
conformed to the standards +
confound a steadfast man -
confound the ignorant -
confounded one the other -
confront each other -
confront us all from time to time -
confront with uncertainty -
confronted police -
confronted with the dire consequences of climate change -
confronts a new era -
confronts power -
confuse my sight -
confuse you a while -
confused it for something else -
confusing signal, a -
confusing you -
confute me -
congenial enough to lure us back for more +
congratulate you +
congratulated warmly on his winnings +
congratulations and celebrations +
congratulations and jubilations +
conical flask, a +
conjoined twins -
conjure me -
conjure up a spiritual journey with meditation at its core +
connect to a computer network +
connect with others +
connected a hose to a standpipe and turned on the water +
connected by network +
connected by synapses to thousands of other neurons +
connected contralaterally +
connected defensive walls to begin the Great Wall of China +
connected gravitationally +
connected through steps made in the rocks +
connected to landline telephone wires +
connected to nodes +
connected with obscenity -
connecting all the dots +
connecting people +
connecting together on the Internet +
connects two lost souls +
connivance with official lies, a -
connive at us -
conquer your foes and fulfill your kingship +
conquered her shyness +
conquered many enemies during his long reign +
conquered time +
conquers her virginity +
conquers ill fortune +
conquers many cities +
conscious, the preconscious, and the unconscious; the +
conscious and sentient +
conscripted soldiers from all the tribes into his army +
consented to his new project +
conservation of energy, the +
conservation of mass +
conserve energy +
conserve our strength +
conserve space +
consider almost an insult to me -
consider and reconsider +
consider carefully what you intend to do +
consider pejorative -
consider space-time as a whole, rather than to think of space and time separately +
consider that I've said nothing +
consider the comparative value of individualism and community +
consider themselves highly fortunate +
consider this +
consider trading coaches +
consider your verdict +
consider yourself +
consider yourself at home +
considerable performer, a +
considerable sum at the time, a +
considerable uncertainty -
considered a little before she gave her answer +
considered an eyesore to many -
considered as a whole +
considered brash and pugnacious -
considered equal with us +
considered himself Czech through and through +
considered his nursing years the greatest privilege of his life +
considered irritating -
considered it an eyesore -
considered miraculous +
considered of no value -
considered stupid in your sight -
considered suicide -
considered the alternative +
considered this ludicrous -
considered ugly -
considered unreliable -
considering candidates for a grant +
considering it a useless thing -
considering your parole +
considers himself old -
considers himself superior +
consistent and assiduous +
consistent with the description in a contract +
consists of a single melodic line repeated nine times +
consists of matter that we cannot observe directly +
consolation prize, a +
console your grief +
consoled him with the best words he could think of +
consolidated his position +
consolidated power +
consonants and vowels +
consorts with his baker neighbor -
constant as the moon +
constant as the North Star +
constant motion of the universe, the +
constant reality, a +
constant reinvention +
constant stress -
constantly be on our guard +
constantly being renewed and recycled +
constantly being tested +
constantly changing +
constantly evolving bacteria and viruses -
constantly improving +
constantly in demand +
constantly in motion, always changing, and unstable +
constantly inventive +
constantly on edge -
constantly on guard +
constantly on the move +
constants of nature, the +
constellations of stars +
constitutes a legal offense and can result in severe penalties -
constituted an illegal monopoly -
constitutionally protected +
contribute accomplished musicianship +
constricted pupil, a -
constructed a wire model +
constructed the universe from chaos +
constructing a raft +
constructing the hierarchy of values +
constructing the pyramids +
constructing timetables +
construction cranes +
construction crews +
construction industry, the +
construction project, a +
construction site, a +
construction worker, a +
constructive and helpful +
construe them +
construe things +
consult experts +
consult the oracle -
consulted a medium for guidance -
consulted mediums and spiritists -
consults the dead -
consumed like dry stubble -
consumed tainted alcohol -
consumed with fury and rage -
consumer electronics +
consuming fire, a -
consuming sweetbread, the cow's thymus +
consummate one, the +
contact area, the +
contact the spirits of the dead and other paranormal forces -
contagious diseases -
contain an assortment of special additives +
contain an element of truth +
contain anomalies -
contain memorable rhythm and melodic touches +
contain no hidden contradictions +
contain some degree of error -
contain viral outbreak +
contained sexually explicit photographs -
container ship, a +
container shipping +
containing statements that could be neither proved nor disproved -
containment building, a +
contains more things than you can dream of +
contaminated food or water -
contaminated seafood, and eventually people -
contaminated the environment -
contaminated with mildew -
contemplate the question +
contemplated a plan +
contemplated suicide -
contemplating a crime -
contemplating going out somewhere +
contemplating retirement +
contemplating strike action +
contend with the present, contend with the past +
contended hearts +
contents page, the +
contesting fairly +
contesting in a yacht regatta +
continental drift +
contingent things +/-
continually under threat -
continue as long as the sun +
continue discussions +/-
continue our tour +
continue to be so +
continue to grow +
continue to grow in tough times +
continue to guard its secrets +
continue to lead +
continue to occur +
continue to search for the answer +
continue to share +
continued fraction, a -
continued her tirade -
continued his father's legacy +
continued his winning ways in Broadway shows and Hollywood films alike +
continued on their way +
continued their journey +
continued to dominate world superbike racing +
continues exercising influence +
continues to fascinate and perplex in equal measure +
continues to this day +
continuing dominance of English as a worldwide language, the +
continuing on her path to stardom +
continuing to be diligent +
continuous flow reaction, a +
contraceptive pills +
contract disease -
contract lung cancer -
contracted polio -
contradict each other -
contradict itself -
contradict myself -
contradictory figure, a -
contradictory thoughts -
contradicts my accusation +
contradicts our intuition -
contrary to all good practice -
contrary to convention -
contrary to nature -
contrary to popular belief -
contrary to the popular belief -
contrary to the prevailing opinion -
contrasted old times and new +
contravening civil rights -
contributed significantly +
contributing factors +
contributing to the needs of others +
contributors to the common good +
control a classroom +
control and accelerate chemical reactions +
control center, a +
control fire +
control fission +
control group, the +
control pain +
control rods, the +
control room, the +
control the controllable and ignore the rest +
control tower, a +
control your breath +
control your diet +
control your emotions +
control your emotions in tense moments +
control your feelings +
control yourself +
controlled by a computer +
controlled by a finger switch or foot pedal +
controlled car crash, a +
controlled himself +
controlled his temper +
controlled his wrath +
controlled substance, a +
controlling the amount of money in the economy +
controls his impulses +
controls which of the switches are on and off +
controversial figure, a -
controversial figure in life, a -
controversial in his day -
controversial term, a -
controversial verdict, a -
controversially released -
controversially relieved of command for his reluctance to fight a limited war -
controversy aside +
convene a special general meeting +
convened a press conference +
convent school, a +
conventional medicine +
conventional tangential spokes +
convention's preamble, the +
converse upon more pleasant subjects +
converse with spirits -
conversion of psychological trauma into physical symptoms, the -
convert AC to DC current +
convert music to multicolored lighting that pulsates with the musical beat +
convert sound waves into electric signals +
convert the kinetic energy of wind into electrical energy +
convert sounds into nerve impulses +
convert water into steam and drive turbines to produce electricity +
converted, enslaved, and executed Native Americans -
converted from Judaism to Protestantism +
converted from one form to another +
converted from one purpose to another +
converted to a rotational motion using a crankshaft +
converted to Catholicism +
converted to Catholicism but instituted tolerance to Protestants +
converted to Christianity +
converted to Judaism in order to marry her +
converted to Lutheranism +
converting aluminium ore into aluminium metal +
converting chemical energy into electricity +
converting from the human eye to the photographic plate as their detector of choice +
converting sunlight into electrical power +
converts complex quantum events into simple snapshots +
converts digital info into an analog for input and the analog into digital for output +
converts everyday problems into math expressions +
converts heat into work +
converts the expansion of hot gas into action +
convex lens, a +
convey information +
convey messages +
convey my thoughts +
conveyor belts +
convicted at trial +
convicted but pardoned +
convicted for the murder of a political opponent +
convicted in absentia on money laundering charges +
convicted of a felony -
convicted of adultery, incest, and high treason +
convicted of an indictable offense -
convicted of blaspheming the Jewish authorities +
convicted of breaking and entering with intent to commit larceny +
convicted of child luring +
convicted of child-pornography offenses +
convicted of corrupting the youth +
convicted of homosexual activity +
convicted of libel +
convicted of killing his pregnant wife +
convicted of second-degree murder +
convicted of the murder of 15 patients +
convicted of treason and beheaded +
convicted of trespass -
convince others +
convinced that he was always right +
convincing proof +
cook a hot dog +
cook a recipe +
cook and clean and sweep +
cook and eat +
cook and sweep +
cook delicious food +
cook mashed potatoes +
cook salmon +
cook supper at evening +
cook T-bone steak +
cooked our moose and the Canada goose +
cookie sheet, a +
cooking classes +
cooking my meals +
cooking stove, a +
cooking up smelts and kippers +
cool face, a -
cool gases to near absolute zero +
cool winds +
cool your fury against him +
cooled to slow body's metabolism +
cooler than cool +
cooper by trade, a +
cooperate with the police +
coordinates movement +
coordinating their efforts +
cop hater, a -
cop shows +
copper, zinc, and tin +
copper and tin +
copper coins +
copper engravings +
copper kettles +
copper mine, a +
copper ore +
copper utensils +
copper wire +
copy a microscopic strand of genetic material billions of times within hours +
copy and imitate, rather than create -
copy and paste +
copy it out +
copy shop, a +
copy the choices of others +
copying by hand +/-
copyright law +
coral reef +
corded ladder, a +
cordon off a street +
core beliefs +
core idea, the +
core memory +
core samples +
corn bread +
corn muffin, a +
corn on the cob +
corn syrup +
corn waved, the +
corneal transplant +
corned beef +
corner house, a +
corner store, the +
corners of his mouth, the +
coronary artery bypass grafting +
corporate culture +
corporate farmers, the +
corporate offices +
corpse flower, a -
correct answer +
correct correction +
correct injustices +
correct social injustice +
correct the errors +
correct your mistake +
correcting earlier errors +
corrugated-iron shed, a +
corrupt and depraved -
corrupt text -
corrupted both in wit and will -
corrupted young mind, a -
corruption of the church, the -
cosine wave, a +
cosmetic colors +
cosmic battle, a -
cosmic explosion -
cosmic flotsam -
cosmic rays -
cosmic storm, a -
cosmic time capsule, a +
cosmic web, the +
cost a lot of money -
cost of living, the +
cost overruns -
cost reduction +
costing inordinate sums -
costly gold watch, a +
costly stones +
costume and set designer, a +
costume jewelry +
costs him dear -
costs him his life -
costs less +
costs the family dear -
costume designer, a +
coterie of servants, a +
coterie of thinkers, a +
cottage cheese +
cotton and wool +
cotton ball, a +
cotton boll, a +
cotton candy +
cotton fibers +
cotton fields +
cotton flowers +
cotton gin, a +
cotton paper +
cotton pickers +
cotton plant, the +
cotton thread +
cotton-spinning mill, the +
couch down in fear and yield +
cough and spit +
coughing and gasping -
coughing up blood -
could barely hold the child -
could be +
could be better +
could be much worse +
could be neither proved nor disproved -
could be older -
could be right +
could be the case +
could be true +
could be worse -
could become thing of the past -
could communicate directly with their gods and goddesses through oracles -
could do it for less +
could do the job as well as anyone else +
could face charges -
could fly faster than Mach 3 +
could go in and out at will +
could go wrong -
could happen to you +/-
could hardly believe his ears +/-
could hardly hear what they said -
could hardly raise his heavy eyes -
could hardly sleep -
could hardly stand -
could hardly wait for tomorrow to come -
could have been the expected one +
could have done better +
could have saved ourselves a lot of trouble +
could include indecent material in their programming, but only late at night +
could make you or break you +
could move only slowly through the deep snow -
could neither live nor die -
could neither predict nor fathom -
could never be as great as her -
could never be one -
could never match your beauty -
could no longer speak -
could not afford to buy a coffin -
could not answer with any degree of certainty -
could not be explained rationally -
could not be finer anywhere +
could not be reconciled -
could not be taken into account -
could not eat another mouthful -
could not help falling in love with her +
could not hold back her tears -
could not live with him -
could not loosen the knot -
could not make out which was which -
could not marry until he was earning enough to support his wife and children +
could not obtain permissions -
could not pay for my education -
could not proceed to the next element until the current element was understood +
could not provide a proof -
could not provide any numbers -
could not read -
could not recognize family members or even his own face -
could not sleep -
could only have you till morning light -
could only walk slowly -
could read backwards +
could remember it all very vividly +
could remember it word by word +
could see her breath freezing in front of her mouth +
could see one another better +
could still be seen +
could surpass human intelligence +
could surpass humans +
could think of nothing to say -
could turn her enemies to stone with a glance +
could wait +
couldn't be better -
couldn't be he +
couldn't be that -
couldn't beat me one-on-one +
couldn't care less +
couldn't determine both the position and momentum of a particle at the same time -
couldn't do anything else -
couldn't do everything he wanted to -
couldn't do it without them +
couldn't learn -
couldn't live without me -
couldn't raise as a defense that they were following orders +
couldn't reach the knocker -
couldn't say for sure -
couldn't wait forever -
council buildings +
counsel me +
counsel table, the +
counsels a divorce -
count a pulse +
count and recount them +
count back from ten +
count me out -
count my days -
count my time +
count on you +
count our fingers +
count sheep +
count the stars +
count the time +
count your fingers +
counted them of no value -
counted upon it +
counterattack along the Western front +
counterfeit energy drinks -
countering misogyny +
counterweighted on one side to balance the tipping forces +
counting all the stars +
counting board, a +
counting heavily on him +
counting my blessings +
counting numbers +
counting on my fingers +
counting ropes +
counting the beats +
counting the days till I'll be with you +
counting time +
counting up of possibilities +
countless groans -
countless stars +
countless twinkling stars +
country classics +
country club, the +
country dance music +
country gentleman, a -
country girl, a -
country music +
country road, a +
countryman of mine, a +
counts his gold +
counts tomorrow for today -
courage and audacity +
courageous, inspirational military leader, a +
course by course +
court decisions +
court etiquette +
courteous and reasonable +
courteous and wise +
courteous as always +
courteous yet easy +
courtly scene, a +
court-martialed and convicted for espionage +
court-martialed for aiding prisoners of war to escape -
court-martialed for killing 22 unarmed civilians -
cover both your eyes +
cover every aspect of life +
cover it with whitewash +
cover letter, a +
cover story, a +
cover the costs +
cover the face of the land +
cover the song +
cover your cough +
cover your eyes +
coverage for the full replacement value +
covered by many artists +
covered by many cool artists +
covered for shelter +
covered her face with both her hands +
covered her face with kisses +
covered her mouth with her hand +
covered his face with his hands -
covered his tunes +
covered in ceramic tiles +
covered in roofing tiles +
covered my bosom +
covered my face with my hands -
covered our spoor +
covered their faces with their hands -
covered up the facts -
covered with cold sweat -
covered with dew +
covered with dust -
covered with fleas -
covered with greens and flowers +
covered with hoarfrost +
covered with ice +/-
covered with mud -
covered with posters and placards +
covered with rust -
covered with sleet and icicles -
covered with smoke -
covered with snow +
covered with soapsuds +
covered with sweat and dust -
covered with weeds -
covering discretion with a coat of folly +
covers her breasts and her genital if surprised by an outsider while in the nude +
covers her face rather than her genital if surprised by an outsider while in the nude +
covers his face with shame -
covet honor -
covetous fellow, a -
covetous for gold -
covey of cranes, a +
covey of partridges, a +
cow and calf +
cow dung +
coward by nature, a -
cowboy hats +
cowboy songs +
cowboy tunes +
cower for shelter +
cowpox vaccine +
cows moo, the +
cow's calf, the +
coyotes wail -
crab apples -
crab gumbo +
crack a ten-digit code +
crack addicts -
crack another lobster shell or two +
crack cocaine -
crack down on blockades -
crack of a whip, the +
crack pipe, a -
crack rocks -
crack the egg +
crack the glass of her virginity +
crack the mystery +
cracked caulking -
cracked from bottom to top -
cracked his skull -
cracked his whip -
cracked his whip to urge his horses into a gallop +
cracked open +
cracked the code +
cracking German codes during World War II +
cracking German military codes +
cracking Nazi codes +
cracking his knuckles +
cracking nuts +
crackle and pop +
crackled and hissed -
crackled his knuckles +
cracks a joke +
cracks and breaks -
cracks easily when bent -
cracks wide open +
cradle of humanity, the +
cradle song, a +
cradling a baby +
craft a modern masterpiece +
crafting their distinctive sound +
crag castles +
craggy mountains -
cranial nerves +
crank the handle +
cranks and cams +
crash test dummy, a +
crash testing +
crash through store's front window -
crashed into a tree -
crashed on its maiden flight -
crashed to the ground -
crashes on takeoff -
crashing into each other -
crave it so badly -
crawl on your belly -
crawled about on their hands +/-
crawling lizards -
crayon drawing, a +
creaked and cracked -
creaking and cracking -
creaking noises -
creaks the weathervanes crazy -
cream and butter +
cream of the crop +
cream pitcher, the +
cream puffs +
creamy and smooth +
creamy soup +
creased map on the wall, a -
create a cataclysmic threat -
create a chain reaction +
create a flight simulator to train Navy pilots +
create a joyously energetic but terrifically challenging work +
create a marketing strategy +
create a motorized two-wheeler +
create a new and better world +
create a new style +
create a relational database +
create a sense of belonging +
create a slow chain reaction +
create a 3D view +
create a virtual building +
create an account +
create an impression of harmony +
create artificial rain storms +
create body-conscious clothes that accentuated busts and narrow waists +
create chaos and mayhem -
create chemical dependence -
create colonies +
create confusion -
create connections +
create contradictions -
create disaster -
create electricity +
create electricity from sunlight +
create employment +
create factions +
create fear -
create ghettos -
create graphic images directly on a display screen using a stylus on a tablet +
create greenhouse gases -
create high-yield crops +
create huge problems -
create hypotheses +
create images that everyone could respond to and understand +
create masterpieces +
create memorable stories and characters +
create new dilemma -
create new jobs +
create our own destiny +
create relatively sharp images on wet copper plate coated with silver +
create robots to replace the work of people +
create something out of nothing -
create suspense +
create tables of data that had the same conceptual types +
create thrust +
create web pages +
created a catalogue +
created a great deal of awareness +
created a sensation +
created a series of poignant, carefully crafted vignettes of times and people past +
created a template for future horror scores with its ominous chanting and whispers +
created an elegant shoe with a 3-inch-high heel that appeared to elongate the wearer's legs +
created an opportunity +
created an outcry -
created an unified state +
created Batman by inverting nearly all the characteristics of Superman +
created by accident +
created by blowing pigment on a hand held to a wall +
created equal +
created flowing dresses +
created for a common objective +
created frustration -
created heaven and earth in six days +
created his own dance band +
created more problems than it solved -
created only to calumniate -
created puppets, not life -
created romantic and glamorous designs +
created shortly before he died +
created slender, bias-cut evening dresses in pale colors +
created with dots of pure color +
creates a new product +
creates a sense of frustration -
creates a virtual image +
creates another classic +
creates multiple different identities for himself -
creates pollution -
creates resistance +
creates the music for the cancan +
creating a business plan +
creating a buzz +
creating a climate of unease -
creating a fractal +
creating a national network +
creating a power surge -
creating a power vacuum -
creating a series of compressions and rarefactions +
creating an artificial nose +
creating an organ in the lab +
creating and operating websites +
creating further disappointment and distress -
creating genetically modified model organisms and looking on different traits +
creating havoc -
creating inflation by printing too many banknotes -
creating new economic opportunities +
creating new ones +
creating outlandish weapons +
creating the caramel flavor and smell +
creating the illusion of movement +
creating 3D models +
creation, manifestation, and destruction +
creation stories +
creative brain, a +
creative ideas +
creative people +
creative thinker, a +
creative thinking +
Creator God, a +
credit and debit cards +
credit cards +
credit rating +
credulous fool, a -
creep in crannies +
creeping and slithering along -
creepy zombie, a -
cremate his last remains +
crept into his kennel to sleep +
crescent moon, the +
crest on the top of their head, a +
crevice in a crag, a -
crew neck T-shirt, a +
cribbage board, a +
cricket matches +
crickets chirp, the +
cried aloud +
cried aloud in her agony -
cried and cried -
cried and cried for you +
cried bitterly -
cried from the depths of his soul -
cried hard -
cried himself to sleep -
cried in a hoarse voice -
cried in a triumphant tone +
cried in amazement +
cried in anguish -
cried in delight +
cried itself to sleep +
cried like newborn babies -
cried many bitter tears -
cried myself to sleep -
cried on his shoulder +
cried out at the top of her voice +
cried out in a loud voice +
cried out in despair -
cried out of sheer joy +
cried out with a loud voice +
cried the desperate mother -
cries for help +
cries foul -
cries of death agony, the -
cries of love +
cries out as loud as he could +
cries out in anguish -
cries the whole day long -
crime and punishment +
crime novels +
crime pays +
criminal gangs -
criminal lawyer, a +
criminals and racketeers -
cringe his face -
cringe in fear -
cringed at his theories -
crippled in both feet -
crisp apple strudels +
critical period, the +
critical success, a +
critically ill -
criticize little things -
criticize their writing -
criticize with kindness +
criticized for withholding information +
criticized the double standard +
critiqued Iranian society -
croak like a raven -
croaking all day and night long -
croaking of frogs, the +
crocodile tears -
crooked nose, a -
crooked world, a -
croon a tune +
crop and eat the leaves of the vine +
croquet mallets +
cross a tumultuous sea -
cross freeways on overpasses or in underpasses +
cross from shore to shore +
cross her -
cross my path -
cross my way -
cross on the church, the symbol of faith; the +
cross the border +
cross the border line +
cross the bridge +
cross the river +
cross the open sea +
cross the sea +
cross you off my list +
cross your fingers +
cross your t's and dot your i's +
cross-country run, the +
crossed arms -
crossed one knee over the other +
crossed over to the other side +
crossed safely across wide waters +
crossed the icefield +
crossed the last line from where I can't return -
crossed the line -
crossed the street +
crossed the threshold +
crossed the valley +
crosses generations +
crosses the blood-brain barrier -
crosses the railway line +
cross-examine the witness +
cross-eyed woman, a -
crossing boundaries +
crossing his legs -
crossing loop, a +
crossing the boundary line -
crossword puzzle, a +
crouch on the limbs of trees -
crouched like a cat +
crouching a terror in a corner -
crouching lion, a -
crowd control +
crowd of people, a +
crowd roared, the -
crowded market, the -
crowded room, a -
crowded streets, the -
crowded with people +
crowded with visitors +
crowed loud and long -
crowing rooster at dawn, the +
crowned himself emperor -
crowned with a bloom of fresh garlands +
crowned with laurel +
crowns himself king +
crows and jackdaws -
crows and ravens -
crows caw -
crow's fastidious beak, the +
crucial difference, the +
crucial to future success +
crude by today's standards -
crude oil +
crudely put +
cruel, ruthless man, a -
cruel and wicked -
cruel heart, a -
cruel mistress, a -
cruel one, a -
cruel war, a -
cruel warlord, a -
cruise industry, the +
cruise missiles +
cruise ship, a +
cruising down the river +
cruising just as fast as she can +
crumb of bread, a +
crumble and collapse -
crumbled to dust -
crumbled to pieces -
crumpled the letter in his hand -
crunched grass +
crush my chest -
crushed a revolutionary uprising +
crushed an attempted revolt +
crushed by falling tree -
crushed by grief -
crushed it in a mortar +
crushed like clay -
crushed our formations -
crushed out his cigarette +
crushed them all +
crushed them under foot -
crushed under stones -
crushes my heart -
crushing penury -
crux of the problem, the -
cry and cry -
cry at sad movies +
cry for joy +
cry for vengeance +
cry in my pillow -
cry no more +
cry on a mountain high -
cry on each other's shoulder -
cry out for help +
cry out in distress +
cry out in the wilderness -
cry over you +
cry when you cry +
cry without tears -
crying and shouting and pointing -
crying on my shoulder -
crying over spilt milk -
cryonic resurrection +
crystal balls +
crystal clear +
crystal gazing -
crystal meth manufacturers -
crystal radio sets +
crystalline tobacco mosaic virus -
crystallizing proteins +