babe's cradle +
baby animals +
baby at your breast +
baby birds +
baby boomers +
baby chickens +
baby code, a -
baby dolls and rattles +
baby food +
baby maker, the +
baby of mine +
baby oil +
baby showers +
baby talk -
Babylonian stone tablets +
bacheloretic party, a +
back alley, a +
back and forth motion of the piston, the +
back at school +
back by popular demand +
back door +
back for more +
back from injury +
back home +
back in black +
back in custody +
back in form +
back in the spotlight after years on hiatus +
back in town +
back into time +
back on big screen +
back on schedule +
back on tour +
back on track +
back pain -
back pocket, a +
back teeth +
back then +
back to back +
back to normal +
back to school +
back to the drawing board -
back to the land you long to return to +
back to work +
back together +
back together again +
back wall +
back where we started from -
back where you belong +
back with her mother +
back-breaking task, a -
backed the ideas up with empirical data +
background checks on gun purchases +
backs off decision -
backstage pass, a +
backup battery +
backup dancer, a +
backup plan, a +
backup singer, a +
backup system should the primary system fail, a +
backup system that takes over, a +
backward slide, the -
backward time travel +/-
bacon rind -
bacteria and viruses -
bacteria-killing nanoparticles of silver +
bacterial infections -
bad apple, a -
bad argument, a -
bad as can be -
bad bosses -
bad boy, a -
bad breath -
bad cause, a -
bad character -
bad coin, a -
bad conscience, a -
bad day, a -
bad debt -
bad dream, a -
bad eggs -
bad for a weak stomach -
bad for your health -
bad genes -
bad guests -
bad habits -
bad in Asia, bad in Europe -
bad investment, a -
bad luck -
bad man, a -
bad name, a -
bad news -
bad odor, a -
bad omen, a -
bad one, a -
bad posture, a -
bad remark, a -
bad report, a -
bad reputation -
bad service -
bad smell, a -
bad thing, a -
bad times fall, the -
bad timing -
bad to be religious -
bad to the bone -
bad tooth, a -
bad weather -
bad week, a -
bade her friends a fond goodbye +
bade her good night +
bade him good day +
bade them a sorrowful goodbye -
bade them goodbye +
badge of honor, a +
badly bruised all over -
badly burnt by blazes -
badly distorts the facts in lawsuit -
badly hurt -
badly tuned -
badly wounded -
badly wounded in battle -
baffle me -
baffled and dispelled -
baffles belief -
bag of silver, a +
bag of tricks, a +
baggage carousel, the +
baggy pants -
bail him out of jail +
bait the hook well +
baits his snare +
baits me -
bake a cake +
bake cupcakes +
bake it on a hearth +
bake loaves of bread +
bake the pies and cakes +
baked apples +
baked beans +
baked cakes in an oven +
baked clay +
baked potatoes +
baked solid +
baked to a lovely brown tint +
baking a cinnamon pie +
baking oven, the +
baking powder +
baking show, a +
baking soda +
balance bike, a +
balance books +
balance each other out +
balance sheet, a +
balance the budget +
balance wheel, the +
balance your budget +
balanced budget, a +
balanced on a two-wheeler scooting along with their legs on either side +
balanced on one leg with the other raised high +
balanced shield, a +
balances a successful career and motherhood +
balancing act, a +
balcony door, the +
bald as a watermelon +
bald at thirty -
bald eagles -
bald forehead -
bald head -
bald spot, a -
bald spot in the middle of my hair, a -
bald-headed man, a -
bales of hay +
baling hay +
ball of fire, a -
ballad operas +
ballad story, a +
ball-and-socket joint, a +
ball-and-stick model, a +
ballet dancer, a +
ballet master, a +
ballet music +
balloon dog, a +
balloons of every size +
ballpoint pen, a +
balm boxes +
balmy, cloudless sky, a +
bamboo fibers +
bamboo flute, a +
bamboo hut, a +
bamboo ladders +
bamboo leaves +
bamboo plants +
bamboo rafts +
bamboo shoots +
bamboo stick, a +
ban ecstasy, not equasy -
ban menthol cigarettes -
ban or restrict them outright +
ban the use of non-human hominids in research, testing and teaching +
banana bread +
banana leaves +
banana pancakes +
banana peels -
band of angels, a +
band together +
bandaged the wound +
bandy with you word for word -
banged their shields +
banish doubts +
banish sadness and strife +
banish your fears +
banished from her sight +
banished from your eye +
banished man, a -
banished traitor, a -
banisters of steep staircases, the +
bank account, a +
bank clerk, a +
bank collapse -
bank notes +
bank regulation +
bank robbers -
bank run, a -
bank vault, a +
banking system, the +
bankruptcy filings +
bank's reserve, the +
banned books -
banned by international treaty -
banned by the International Olympic Committee +
banned for life -
banned for obscenity +
banned from casinos +
banned from driving -
banned smoking on public transportation +
banners fly, the +
banning imports of child-made goods +
banning the burka -
banning the death penalty +/-
banns of marriage, the +
bans him for positive cocaine test -
bans human cloning +
bans the slave trade +
banyan tree, a +
baptism, confirmation, confession, marriage, ordination, Holy Communion, and Last Rites +
baptism and Holy Communion +
baptize my lips every time I take sips of the fruit of the vine +
baptized, though secretly for fear of the persecutions -
baptized Christian, a +
bar and grille +
bar charts +
bar code, a +
bar graph, a +
bar magnet, a +
bar magnets with north and south poles +
bar stools +
bar stripper, a -
bar their way +
barbarous villains -
barbed harpoon, a +
barbed wire +
barbed wire fence, a +
barber shop, a +
barberry bushes +
barber's chair, a +
barber's pole +
bar-code readers +
bare, outlandish possibility, a -
bare essentials +
bare necessities, the +
bare possibilities -
bare rocks, the +
bare trees, the -
bare walls -
bare your teeth at me -
bared her breasts in public -
bared their teeth -
barefoot children, the -
barely able to gather back his strength -
barely into his twenties +
barely legal -
bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing +
bargain with the spirits +
bark at strangers +
bark of the cinchona tree of South America, the +
bark of the willow tree, the +
barked all night through -
barked and barked -
barking angrily -
barking up the wrong tree -
barks loudly -
barks of trees, the +
barn dance, the +
barred entrances, the +
barred from becoming a member of the faculty for being a woman -
barred gate, a +
barred the barge from docking -
barred window, the -
barrel of the gun, the +
barrel race, a +
barrels of oil +
barren field, the -
barren ground -
barren heights -
barren wilderness -
barren womb, the -
barricading the street -
barrier tall between French and English, a -
bars the use of nuclear weapons in outer space +
bartered back and forth +
basalt columns +
base knowledge not on religious dogma, but on experimental results +
base metals -
base people -
base 60 counting system +
baseball bat, a +
baseball cap, a +
baseball field, a +
baseball player, a +
based his play on a contemporary news story +
based on a real story +
based on a true story of a romance went bad -
based on an actual event +
based on an idea of the sanctity of life +
based on empirical observation and testable predictions +
based on evidence +
based on extensive interviews with surviving members +
based on facts and evidence +
based on my own experience +
based on past results to predict the future and plan ahead +
based on prejudice rather than rationality -
based on the life and loves of a media magnate +
based on true events +
baseless claims -
basement suite, a +
base-ten system +
bashing him after death -
basic building blocks, the +
basic concepts +
basic facts +
basic instincts +
basic math +
basic right, the +
basic science +
basic units of life, the +
basically noble +
basically what we expected +
basing the stories on his own experiences and acquaintances +
basked in the sun +
basket of ripe fruit, a +
basketball player, a +
basketball shoes +
basketball star, a +
basking in the sun +
bas-relief vase, a +
bass drum, a +
bat colony, a +
bat guano +
bath time +
bathe in fountains -
bathe together +
bathe with water +
bathed in blood -
bathed in his own blood -
bathed in moonlight +
bathes its wings in the dust +
bathing her feet +
bathing in milk -
bathing in the sun +
bathroom tiles +
baton twirling +
battered and stunned -
battered by disappointments -
battered by waves +
battered in pieces -
battered to pieces -
battering ram, a +
battery of cannons, a -
battle between reason and passion, a -
battle blaze +
battle chariots +
battle cry, a +
battle early morning apartment fire +
battle rap, a +
battle scene, a -
battle strategy, a +
battled for supremacy +
battled for their lives +
battled poverty during his entire adult life -
battling cancer +
battling with my pride +
bawdy farce -
bawdy houses -
bawdy song, a -
bay window, the +
baying of the hounds, the +
BBQ gatherings +
be a good boy +
be a man +
be a part of me +
be a queen for a day +
be advised +
be at peace +
be attentive +
be aware +
Be bighearted! +
be blithe +
be bold +
be brave +
be brief +
be calm +
be careful +
be cautious in your choice of friends +
be cheerful +
be comforted +
be considerate +
be content +
be content with what you have +
be content with your lot +
be courageous +
be faithful +
be free +
be friends +
be glad +
be glad and rejoice +
be gone +
be good +
be good to me +
be good to none -
be happy +
be home more to spend more time with you +
be honest +
be in readiness +
be intelligent +
be it +
be it as it is +
be it so +
be kind +
be men +
be men, or be more than men +
be merciful +
be merry +
be mindful +
be mine +
be mine tonight +
be moderate +
be more beautiful than ever +
be my AI +
be my eyes +
be my girl +
be my love +
be my partner +
be myself +
be not fearful +
be not nice -
be not offended +
be not too rough in terms +
be nothing -
be of good cheer +
be of good courage +
be of good spirit +
be one +
be our guest +
be patient +
be perfect +
be plain +
be prepared +
be prepared for rapid changes +
be productive +
be proud of yourself +
be quick +
be quick about it +
be quiet +
be ready +
be ready for the unexpected +
be real +
be reasonable +
be satisfied +
be sensible +
be sentient +
be silent +
be specific +
be still +
be still awhile +
be strong +
be strong and brave +
be strong and courageous +
be sure to say +
be there +
be true to me +
be true to your own nature +
be valiant +
be vigilant +
be wary +
be welcome +
be wise +
be with you +
be your angel +
be your companion +
be your protection +
be yourself +
be yourself and believe in yourself +
beach boys, the +
beach lifeguards +
beach volley ball, a +
beachfront property +
beachside homes +
beam of light, a +
bear claw necklaces +
bear everything patiently -
bear fruit with seed +
bear in mind +
bear it as you may +
bear it constantly in mind +
bear nuts +
bear the blame -
bear the shame -
bear this, bear all +
bear with each others' faults +
bearded bison, the +
bearded camel driver, the +
bearing walls +
bearing their rifles on their shoulders +
bears bad fruit -
bears his name +
bears in dens -
bears testimony +
bears very little resemblance -
beast of burden, the +
beat a human at chess +
beat a rhapsody +
beat box, a +
beat down the fire +
beat expectations +
beat gongs +
beat her with clenched fists -
beat him like a dog -
beat me -
beat me publicly without a trial -
beat me up -
beat old hand +
beat the blues +
beat the door -
beat the door down -
beat the drum +
beat them down +
beat you into handsomeness -
beaten black and blue -
beaten paths +
beaten to death -
beating a dead march -
beating heart, a +
beating him severely with a thick wooden cudgel -
beating of my heart, the +
beating on the drum +
beating palms, ringing bangles +
beating the heavy linen with a wooden beater +
beating with the hammers +
beatings and more beatings -
beats a human +
beats him -
beats him black and blue -
beats him to death with one blow -
beats his wife -
beats it with her fists for some time till it was still -
beats man to death -
beautiful, full-grown girl, a +
beautiful, the good, and the truth, the +
beautiful and intelligent lady, a +
beautiful bower, a +
beautiful but stubborn -
beautiful child, a +
beautiful cities and villages +
beautiful community, a +
beautiful day, a +
beautiful face, a +
beautiful fairy, a +
beautiful flowers +
beautiful hair +
beautiful inside and out +
beautiful lady in pink tights, a +
beautiful like a rainbow +
beautiful melodies +
beautiful morning, a +
beautiful one, a +
beautiful parks +
beautiful past measure +
beautiful picture, a +
beautiful stained-glass windows +
beautiful sunny day, a +
beautiful tattoo, a +
beautiful thing, a +
beautiful tune, a +
beautiful vases +
beautiful view, a +
beautiful voice, a +
beautiful white swans swam, the +
beautiful wreath, a +
beautifully composed and elegantly measured +
beautifully crafted +
beautifully decorated Christmas tree, a +
beautifully dressed +
beautifully written +
beauty contest, a +
beauty matters +
beauty of a rural landscape, the +
beauty of a wilderness, the +
beauty of her bosom, the +
beauty of nature, the +
beauty of the night sky, the +
beauty of the rose, the +
beauty of the world, the +
beauty parlor, a +
beauty treatments +
became a best seller +
became a celebrated opera singer +
became a celebrity +
became a classic +
became a devoted follower +
became a devout Christian +
became a duo +
became a fundamentalist -
became a hermit -
became a heroic figure to the Soviet +
became a hit +
became a household name +
became a huge hit +
became a huge media draw +
became a matter of choice +
became a motion picture +
became a national hero +
became a nationwide craze +
became a nightmare -
became a pawn in a series of legal attacks and counterattacks -
became a place of respite and vacation +
became a popular motif in jewelry +
became a professor and awarded tenure +
became a professor at his alma mater +
became a publishing phenomena +
became a rapper +
became a reality +
became a sensation +
became a servant of God +
became a social media sensation +
became a star +
became a subject for academic resource and study +
became a tradition +
became a wife and then a mother +
became a worldwide media event +
became a young man +
became accessible to the masses +
became acquaintances and then friends +
became addicted to gambling -
became an abbess +
became an American phenomenon +
became an annual event +
became an apprentice +
became an icon +
became an instant hit +
became an instant success +
became an international bestseller +
became an international celebrity +
became an international sensation +
became an overnight sensation +
became bankrupt -
became blind -
became close, like sisters and brothers +
became commercially available +
became commonplace +
became confused -
became engaged three days after they met -
became enraged and sought revenge -
became evident +
became excellent friends +
became fast friends +
became friends +
became full professor +
became fully operational +
became good friends +
became her help in time of trouble +
became highly influential +
became huge celebrities +
became hugely influential to many artists +
became increasingly pessimistic -
became indisputable +
became lifelong companions +
became Lords of the earth +
became monotonous -
became more affordable +
became more and more powerful +
became more distinct +
became more herself +
became more opulent +
became more peevish and angry -
became morose and suspicious -
became noon +
became older than his years -
became popular +
became pregnant +
became quite another person +/-
became replaced by freer expression and experimentation +
became seasick -
became second nature +
became serious -
became seriously ill -
became so emotional and involved -
became so widely successful that it was soon followed by a host of others +
became something of a hate figure -
became stronger and stronger +
became stuck in deep sand -
became synonymous with high style +
became the center of attraction +
became the drug of choice +
became the talk of the internet +
became the vanguard of the resistance movement +
became uneasy -
became very depressed -
became very real to us +
became well known +
became widely known after his death -
became world famous +
became worthless -
because of you +
beckoned to the sommelier +
become a black hole -
become a children's singing game +
become a desolate wasteland -
become a different being +/-
become a distinctive tourist attraction +
become a eunuch -
become a global movement focused on environmental awareness +
become a growing problem -
become a grown-up beautiful lady with blue eyes and golden curly hair +
become a heap of rubble -
become a laughingstock to my friends -
become a laughingstock to the world -
become a man +
become a matter of secondary importance -
become a member +
become a milestone +
become a mockery -
become a mound of ruins -
become a national disgrace -
become a pilgrim +
become a political refugee -
became a prisoner of my own fans +
become a professional ballet dancer +
become a repugnant place -
become a routine +
become a somebody +
become a standard +
become a victim of circumstance -
become adult while they keep the thoughts of a child -
become an expert chamois hunter +
become an old man -
become apparent +
become as ignorant as a baby -
become as weak as water -
become big business +
become bigger players +
become calm +
become close friends +
become debilitating -
become deformed -
become extinct -
become firm friends +
become grumpy and irritable -
become hip-hop icons +
become hostile to each other -
become inveterate smokers -
become invisible +/-
become lost -
become obese -
become one of the leading tourist attractions +
become one whole, like a lump of kneaded clay +
become otherwise -
become poor and steal -
become reality +
become rich and powerful +
become self-fulfilling +
become slippery when wet -
become so polarized -
become staid and steady +
become sullen -
become surly and unsociable -
become the industry norm +
become their own undoing -
become unkempt -
become useless -
become very wealthy -
become void -
become widely available +
becomes a burden -
becomes a buzzword +
becomes a crime kingpin -
becomes a cultural icon +
becomes a piece of cake +
becomes a priest +
becomes a prostitute -
becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy -
becomes a state musician +
becomes a superconductor +
becomes a whore -
becomes an elegy -
becomes an obsession -
becomes associate professor +
becomes doubtful -
becomes impossible to contain -
becomes insane -
becomes one of the best-known Christmas songs of all time +
becomes parched and dry -
becomes rich through oil +
becomes strong +
becomes superhuman +
becomes turned on sexually +
becomes very expensive -
becoming a British subject +
becoming a Buddha -
becoming an evangelical minister +
becoming a TV celebrity +
becoming a way of life +
becoming entangled in the blankets or bedsheets -
becoming attentive +
becoming extinguished -
becoming increasingly common +
becoming more allergic to food -
becoming more mainstream in the universal order of things +
becoming social, economic crisis -
becoming the bike of choice +
becoming victims of the Devil -
becoming you +
bed bugs -
bed curtains, the +
bed frame, a +
bed of roses, a +
bed rest +
bed sheet, a +
bed time +
bedside book, a +
bedside round, a +
bee stings, the -
bee venom -
beech branch, the +
beech tree, a +
beef tallow +
been a little under the weather lately -
been a witness to homicides +
been an amazing ride +
been at the top +
been faithful to you +
been losing sleep -
been on the bottom -
been out of school for a week -
been so in love +
been there +
been there, done that +
been through hard times +
been through it all +
been together +
been too hard for too long -
been up all night -
been up this hour +
been where I've been +
beeps and boops +
beer bottles -
beer brewer, a +
beer cans +
beer coolers +
beer jug, a +
beer mug, a +
beer soup +
beer vat, a +
bees buzzed, the +
beet sugar +
beetles and cockchafers -
Beetle's rear engine +
before, behind, between, above, below +
before and after +
before it was too late +
before long +
before sunset +
befriended many of the Plains Indians +
beg for a living at men's doorways -
beg for grace +
beg for mercy +
beg from door to door -
beg of you -
beg your pardon +
began a fresh assault -
began a new arms race -
began animal studies +
began as a singularity +
began grinning more and more +
began his reign +
began looking in every direction +
began operation +
began practicing medicine +
began rather abruptly -
began speaking +
began taking shape +
began to collect his senses +
began to fade -
began to get their nerve back and feel hopeful +
began to play chess as a child +
began to scatter like frightened frogs -
began to show their age -
began to sing at folk festivals and clubs +
began to smell -
began to thaw +
began to weep aloud -
began to wonder what was going to happen to her next -
began writing to combat depression +
beggar child, a -
beggar's bowl, a -
begging on my knees -
begin a conversation +
begin at the beginning +
begin it again +
begin our bickerings -
begin the new life here +
begin to get a feel +
begin to reek in the summer -
beginner's guide, a +
beginning of space and time, the +
beginning to fill the seats in a baseball stadium +
beginning to lose his patience -
beginning to pay dividends +
beginning to take shape +
begins a new day +
begins a new life as the war ends +
begins a whirlwind romance with a man -
begins in earnest +
begins softly and ends as loudly as possible +
begins to appear through the smoke +
begins to put everyone on edge -
begins to shine +
begs for alms +
beguiled by her beauty +
beguiled herself to a wide audience +
beguilingly simple -
behave one way in church on Sundays but another way when no one is looking -
behave oafishly -
behave with style +
behave yourself +
behaved badly -
behaved unscrupulously -
behaves promiscuously -
behaving differently from usual -
behaving like they ought to +
behaving unlike anything else ever seen +
behavioral disorder, a -
beheaded him -
beheaded publicly for his offense +
behind bars -
behind iron bars -
behind schedule -
behind the altar screen +
behind the camera +
behind the scenes +
being a little lost -
being a man +
being and not being +
being applied to all people +
being burned alive -
being chased -
being cool +
being curious +
being extant +
being faithful +
being followed -
being free of all sorrow +
being glued together +
being in the limelight +
being in the spotlight on stage +
being listed as endangered +
being lost in a mall -
being loved +
being of use to us +
being pardoned by word and deed +
being played on the jukebox at a club +
being possessed by the devil -
being proactive +
being serious -
being sick -
being so +
being stalked by a killer with a disfigured face -
being startled and amazed +
being sure of what you hope for +
being tested by the absence of her husband for one reason or another +
being the center of attention +
being there +
being torn apart -
being winched to an air-sea rescue helicopter +
being what we can be +
belated love -
belching smoke from the chimney +
belfry windows
believable as a real character +
believe everything they are told -
believe half of what you see +
believe in an eye for an eye -
believe in selves -
believe in the existence of God or a Higher being +
believe in things that you don't understand -
believe it +
believe it can be done +
believe it or not +
believe me +
believe my own beliefs -
believe otherwise -
believe so +
believe that we're better than most +
believed dead in plane crash -
believed every word of it +/-
believed in a natural order of things +
believed in a sky god -
believed in equal pay for equal work +
believed in me +
believed myself to be an American in America +
believed that faith could guide reason while reason could focus and clarify faith +
believed the purpose of life to be the pursuit of pleasure -
believes in nothing -
believers in the same political cause +
believing God is dead -
believing in one God +
believing she was single -
belittle him -
belittles the women -
bell curve, a +
bell pinged, the +
bell ringer, a +
bell tower of the town, the +
bellow of the alligator, the -
bellowed out curse after curse on them -
bellowing like a bull -
bells ring +
bell-shaped curve, a +
bellwether ram, a +
belly dancing of Mediterranean countries +
bellybutton ring +
belong to a guild +
belong to me +
belonged to a minority -
belonged to the same social group +
beloved ballad, a +
beloved by audiences +
beloved by his equals +
beloved household name, a +
below average -
below sea level +
belt buckle, a +
bemoaning his defeat -
bend a bow +
bending of light, the +
bending the bow +
bending the rules -
bending wood using steam and pressure +
bends her finger -
bends his knees +
bends light +
beneath the bodhi tree +
beneath the dazzling chandeliers +
beneath the pale moonlight +
benefit concerts +
benefit or destroy humanity +/-
benevolent fund +
benign tumors +
bent horns +
bent nails -
bent out of shape -
bent the tree down +
bent themselves in lowly reverence +
bent with age -
berating them -
bereaved child, a -
Berlin Wall, the -
Bermuda Triangle, the -
berserk fury -
beseech you +
beseech you on my knees +
best by far, the +
best of all +
best of both worlds, the +
best of luck, the +
best of the best +
best policy, the +
best quality +
best seller, the +
best seller worldwide, a +
best way I express how I feel, the +
best years of my life, the +
bestow largess of treasure +
bestow on you a title of honor +
best-selling brand, a +
beta particles +
betray each other -
betray him -
betrayed by a follower and arrested -
betrayed his followers -
betrayed his master -
bets on expanding production +
better, faster, cheaper +
better, smarter, faster, and stronger +
better a death with honor than a life with shame +
better fit, a +
better for me to die than to live -
better gas mileage +
better get a chaperone +
better government, a +
better home, a +
better not to talk about +
better not to vow than to make a vow +
better one, the +
better stay where you are +
better still +
better than anything old +
better than before +
better than ever +
better than I +
better than nice +
better than none +
better than nothing +
better than nothing at all +
better than others +
better than silver and gold +
better to agree than to quarrel +
better to die than to kill in the name of religion +
better together +
bettering yourself through making an effort +
betting more aggressively than your opponents +
between the two of us +
bevy of girls, a +
beware of dog +
beware of falling from bad to worse +
beware the consequences of your actions +
bewailed him with exceeding grief +
beyond a doubt +
beyond all measure -
beyond any description +/-
beyond cavil +
beyond compare +
beyond comparison +
beyond control -
beyond criticism +
beyond doubt +
beyond human comprehension -
beyond our comprehension -
beyond our control -
beyond our ken -
beyond our limited comprehension +
beyond reach -
beyond the buttes +
beyond the sea +
beyond the visible range -
beyond their knowing -
beyond understanding -
bias and prejudice -
biased data -
biased sample, a -
Bible verses +
biblical parables +
biblical references +
biblical stories +
Biblical times +
bickering and squabbling -
bicycle dynamos +
bicycle horn, a +
bicycle pump, a +
bicycle thieves -
bid me adieu +
bid farewell +
bid farewell to beloved wife -
bid her farewell +
bids farewell +
bids tearful goodbye -
big ant hill, a -
big bad wolf, a -
big band, a +
big bang, the +
Big Ben Clock in London, England; the +
big black crow, the +
big boy, a +
big boy now, a +
big bulldog, a +
big burdock leaf, the +
big business +
big city, a +
big company, a +
big concern, a +
big concert venue, a +
big data +
big day, a +
big deal, a +/-
big difference, a +
big divide, a -
big egos -
big eyes +
big family, a +
big five, the +
big forehead, a +
big girl, a +
big heart, a +
big hollow, a -
big influence on me, a +
big leap, the +
big load of potatoes, a +
big man, a +
big mistake, a -
big moment for me, a +
big mouth, a -
big ones +
big party, a +
big pile of fagots, a +
big problem, a -
big questions +
big round onions +
big sales success, a +
big screen, the +
big slice of apple pie, a +
big smile, a +
big spender, a -
big spotted spiders -
big star, a +
big star back then, a +
big step forward in many ways, a +
big stinging nettle leaf, a -
big success nonetheless, a +
big surprise, a +
big winner, a +
big words +
bigamous marriage, a -
big-bosomed lady, a -
big-box retail store, a +
biggest worry, the -
bike path, a +
bike theft -
billiard ball, a +
billiard players +
billiard table, a +
billows of smoke +
bills of various denominations +
binary arithmetic +
binary code +
binary logic +
binary maths +
binary number system, the +
binary prefix code +
binary pulsar, a +
binary stars +
bind it all together +
bind it in fetters +
bind up your hair +
bind your feet -
bind your hair +
bind your heart +
binding his hands behind his back +
bingo parlor, a +
biodegradable bottles +
biohazard symbol, the -
biological attribute, a +
biological clock, a +
biological fitness +
biological hazard -
biological mother +
biological weapons -
biologically determined +
bionic hand, a +
biopsy a suspicious breast lump +
bipedal humanoid robot, a +
biplane glider, a -
bipolar disorder -
bipolar mood swings -
birch canoe, a +
birch tree, a +
birch wand, the +
birch wood, the +
bird beaks +
bird cage, a +
bird droppings -
bird feeders +
bird glass, a +
bird guano +
bird in a gilded cage, a +
bird nests +
bird of passage, a +
birds flit, the +
birds of passage, especially the storks and the swallows +
birds of prey +
birds of the air +
birds sing, the +
birth certificate, a +
birth control +
birth control clinic, a +
birth control pills +
birth defects -
birth trauma -
birthday cake, a +
birthday candles +
birthday celebration +
birthday concert, a +
birthday party, a +
birthday present, a +
bit and rein +
bit by bit +
bit hard to say, a -
bit him on the hand -
bit him to death -
bit him with his venomous fangs -
bit his nails -
bit of broken bottle, a -
bit off his limb -
bit off his own tongue -
bit too bitter for his taste, a -
bit too much, a -
bite mark, a -
bite off more than you can chew -
bite one another when they meet -
bite the bullet -
bites his lip -
bites his tongue -
bites the dust -
bites the head off a dove +
biting a fruit +
biting nails -
biting satire +
bitingly cold -
bitmap fonts +
bitten, chewed, and eaten +
bitten apple, a -
Bitten Apple symbol, the +
bitten by a dog -
bitten by a rabid dog -
bitten by a snake -
bitten by black widow spider -
bitten off his unmentionable -
bitter cold -
bitter dispute, a -
bitter experience, a -
bitter fennel +
bitter foods -
bitter fruit -
bitter gall -
bitter gourd, a -
bitter herbs +
bitter in her twilight -
bitter in spirit -
bitter lemons +
bitter past, the -
bitter pills +
bitter salt, the -
bitter tears -
bitter tears of sorrow -
bitter to the palates -
bitter vetch +
bitter water -
bitter wine -
bitter words -
bitterly bemoaned his hard fortune -
bitterly cold -
bitterly disappointed -
bitterly shed tears -
bitterness of life, the -
bittersweet memories +
bittersweet moment for me, a +
bizarre as it may seem +
bizarre images +
black, velvety bulrushes +
black alder, a +
Black American, a +
black and blue under the left eye -
black and shining +
black and white +
black and white picture, a +
black angel, a -
black ants -
black as a peppercorn +
black as a raven +
black as coal +
black as ebony +
black as ink +
black as jet +
black as night +
black as pitch +
black bats -
black bears -
black beetle, a -
black blood +
black box, a +
black bread +
black, brown, and beige +
black cat with green eyes, a -
black cats -
black chasms -
black clouds +/-
black coffee +
black colts +
Black community, the +
black crayfish +
black crepe +
black cypress, a +
black day, a -
Black Death, the -
black dog, a +
black earth +
black emptiness -
black eyes -
black faces +
black fancy car, a +
black flag, a -
black flies +
black flue, a +
Black Friday -
black gold +
black gondola, the +
black granite +
black hair +
black hair and dark skin +
black hat, a +
Black history +
black holes -
black hole's gravity well, the -
black horse, a +
black jackets +
black kinky hair -
black knot disease -
black lives matter +
black magic -
Black male teacher, a +
Black man, a +
black market, the -
Black models +
black mold -
black Moor, a +
Black music +
black oil +
black out, a -
black panther, a -
Black people +
black phosphorus +
Black police +
Black race, the +
black raincoat, a +
black rats -
black ravens and crows -
black ribbon, a -
black sea, a -
black sheep, a -
Black slaves +
black snow, a -
black soot -
black stallion, a +
black starling bird, a -
black stockings +
black storks +
black streamers -
Black students +
black suit, a +
black sunglasses +
black swans +
black sweater, a +
black tea +
black toad, a -
black toga, a +
black ura fish, the +
black urine -
black waistcoat, a +
black war stallions +
black water -
black widow, a -
black widow spider, a -
black wine +
black-and-white photographs +
black-and-white photos +
black-and-white television set, a -
blackberry bushes +
Blackbird spy plane, a +
blacker than soot +
black-eyed peas +
black-haired man, a +
blackmailed by terrorist -
blackout curtain, a +
blackthorn berries +
bladder cancer -
bladder trouble -
blade of grass, a -
blade runner, a +
blades of a windmill, the +
blame fast fashion -
blame him not +
blame no one +
blaming the victim -
blanched with fear -
bland and dull -
blank slate, a -
blank space, a +/-
blanketed by snow +
blares as long as breath holds out +
blaspheming against God, against their parents, against mankind -
blast furnace, a +
blast injury, a -
blasting off after the countdown +
blaze of lightning, a -
blaze of the besieged city, the -
blazed like diamonds +
blazing flames +
blazing like a torch +
blazing star, a +
blazing torch, a +
bleach paper +
bleached white +
bleaching of the coral, the -
bleared sights, the -
bleating sheep, the +
bleating of sheep, the +
bleed profusely when cut -
bleeding gums -
bleeding to death -
blend existing features with new pieces for a high-end look +
blend of style and durability, a +
blended her herbal brew +
blended together +
blended with a magnetic stirrer +
blending stop motion with live action +
blending them together +
blends cutout and stop-motion animation with live action +
bless the day +
bless your life +
blessed it with a kiss +
blessed man, a +
blessed moment, a +
blessed their marriage +
blessed with ability and talent +
blessed with exceptional athletic ability +
blessing and cursing +/-
blew a shrill note upon a silver whistle that hung around his neck +
blew a trumpet +
blew beans through a brass tube +
blew down the fence -
blew his conch +
blew his whistle +
blew me a parting kiss +
blew out the candle +
blew out the candles and cut the cake +
blew soap bubbles +
blew stronger and stronger -
blew three blasts on the trumpet +
blew with puffed-out cheeks +
blights my very being -
blind alley, a -
blind and deaf -
blind and mute -
blind desire, a -
blind faith -
blind falcon, a -
blind for life -
blind from birth -
blind in one eye -
blind man, a -
blind mole, a -
blind my eyes with tears -
blind poet, a +
blind since childhood -
blind spot, the -
blind with rage -
blind with tears -
blind woman, a -
blinded by sexual attraction -
blinded by the blizzard -
blinded by the light -
blindfolded Goddess of Justice with the scales on her hand, the +
blindfolded her -
blinding his eyes -
blinding the eyes -
blindly obedient to unjust authority -
blink the lights +
blinked his eyes +
bliss beyond bliss +
blistering rash, a -
blithely sing +
block and tackle system +
block ciphers +
block parties +
block signals -
block the receptors in the central nervous system for dopamine -
blocked more than 80 percent of the light +
blocked their path +
blocked-up gateway, a -
blocking his way +
blocks of graphite +
blocks of marble +
blocks testimony -
blocks traffic -
blocks the view -
blocks unacceptable impulses and drives them into the unconscious mind +
blonde chorus girl, a +
blonde hair +
blood anticoagulant, a +
blood and life +
blood and sweat -
blood cells +
blood clot +/-
blood clotting +/-
blood donor, a +
blood everywhere -
blood groups +
blood moon, a -
blood on the tracks -
blood plasma +
blood poisoning -
blood samples +
blood smear, a +
blood tests +
blood thirsty -
blood transfusion +
blood-brain barrier, the +
bloodshot eyes -
blood-stained cross, the -
bloody bandages, the -
bloody battle, a -
bloody fray, a -
bloody insurrection, a -
Bloody Mary -
bloody nose, a -
bloody sword, a -
bloody war, a -
bloom and grow +
bloomed as fresh and fair as usual +
bloomed in the wooden flower box +
blooming apricot +
booming convolvulles +
blooming of a flower, the +
blooming tree, a +
blooms the narcissus +
blossom of my heart, the +
blossoming date tree, a +
blossoming myrtle tree, a +
blossoming plum and cherry, the +
blossoms of the plantains, the +
blotches of ink -
blotting out the sun -
blow a bugle +
blow a fuse -
blow a kiss +
blow foul, blow fair +
blow hard +/-
blow ill wind -
blow loud +
blow me a kiss +
blow my mind -
blow the ram horns +
blow the whistle +/-
blow whistle +
blowfish blows, the -
blowing a horn +
blowing bubbles +
blowing his nose +
blowing in the breeze +
blowing in the wind -
blowing kisses from her fingers +
blowing on the slide trombone +
blowing oxygen through molten pig iron to burn off impurities +
blowing reveille +
blowing the smoke from the end of his barrel +
blown off course -
blown overboard -
blown to tatters -
blows his horn +
blows sharply -
blows the coals +
blows the trumpet +
blubbering and weeping, weeping and blubbering -
blue and green dragonfly, a -
blue and purple +
blue and white tulips +
blue baby syndrome -
blue berets +
blue blue skies +
blue bunch of grapes, the +
blue clover +
blue collar +
blue crocus +
Blue Cross +
blue eyes +
blue flame +
blue gentian +
blue glow, the +
blue heaven +
blue herons +
blue hyacinths +
blue in the face -
blue jays +
blue jeans +
blue lake, a +
blue lotus flowers +
blue of the Mediterranean, the +
blue ravens +
blue sea, the +
blue skies, the +
blue stars +
blue tinge, the +
blue velvet +
blue violets, the +
blue whale, a +
blueberry bushes +
blue-eyed hag, the -
bluegrass song, a +
blue-green algae +
bluer than blue +
bluer than blue can be +
bluer than ever -
blues music +
blues song, a +
bluff and double-bluff -
blurred images -
blurred vision -
blurt this berserk -
blush for shame -
blushed at the praise -
blushed like a fresh rose -
board game, a +
board of education, the +
board the bus +
boarded front door, a +
boarded the plane +
boarding an aircraft +
boast about tomorrow -
boast no more your mighty deeds +
boasted so outrageously about things that never had happened -
boasting and bragging -
boasts of his riches -
boat journey, a +
boating season, a +
boatswain whistles, the +
bobby pins +
body and soul +
body armor +
body art +
body guards +
body image +
body language +
body noises +
body parts +
body size +
body systems, the +
bogey's revenge, the -
boggie nights, the +
boggles up the mind -
boggy terrains -
bogs and marshes +
bogus degree, a -
boil the pitch to caulk and patch up their leaky ships +
boil things longer at higher altitudes -
boiled down to concentrate it +
boiled lobster, a +
boiled over -
boiled potato, a +
boiling a pot of water +
boiling kettle, a +
boiling off water +
boiling pot, a +
boiling water +
boiling with fury -
boils the sticky pitch to caulk the seam +
boils up and boils over -
boisterous sons +
bold, brass-led fanfare, the +
bold action, a +
bold and cunning +
bold and daring +
bold as a boy +
bold as an oracle -
bold brass +
bold choreography +
bold color palettes +
bold colors +
bold decision, a +
bold deeds +
bold idea, a +
bold one, a +
bold orchestration +
boll weevil -
Bollywood soundtrack +
bolstered this belief +
bolt the door +
bolt upon bolt of thunder -
bolted tight +
bolts of lightning -
bombarded it with slow-moving neutrons +
bombarded the city +
bombarded with an electron beam +
bombarding atoms with neutrons +
bombed military and industrial targets +
bombing of Pearl Harbor, the -
bomb-proof wallpaper +
bond between mother and child, the +
bond of eternal friendship, the +
bond of friendship, the +
bond together to form molecules +
bond trader on Wall Street, a +
bonded to each other +
bonds between atoms +
bonds between the living and dead, the +
bonds of faith and love, the +
bonds you to your own kin +
bone ash +
bone cancer -
bone cement +
bone comb, a +
bone dagger, a +
bone density +
bone dry -
bone marrow cells +
bone marrow transplant +
bones and knuckles -
bonus tracks +
booed and jeered -
booed by crowds -
booed him off stage -
booed off stage -
booed off the stage -
book a room for the night +
book bans +/-
book fair, a +
book industry, the +
book maker, a +
book now +
book of adventures, a +
book of divination, a +
Book of Life, the +
book thief, the -
book worm, a -
booking a flight +
books my tours +
Boolean logic +
boom of the gun, the -
boom-bust cycle +
booming beats +
booming markets +
boon companion, a +
boost for his profile, a +
boost immunity +
boost memory +
boost morale +
boost my adrenaline +
boost profits +
boost your mood +
boosted productivity +
boosted prosperity +
boosted their profile by making an appearance +
boosting attendance +
boosting the brain +
boosts sales +
bootleg pirates -
border wall, a +
border war, a -
bore buds +
bore no fruit -
bored a hole +
bored by rhetoric and public speaking -
boredom and toil -
boring yourself -
born, live and die +
born a slave -
born at sea +
born blind -
born curious +
born deaf -
born early in the year +
born equal +
born for the theater +
born free +
born good and corrupted by society -
born in China to a poor family -
born in April +
born in fresh water and travels down to the ocean to grow +
born in Germany to middle-class parents +
born in Paris in 1919 to an American mother and a French father +
born in Poland to a Jewish family +
born in poverty -
born in the declining Austrian Empire -
born into a family of meager means -
born into a family of musicians +
born into a genteel family +
born into a noble family +
born into a rich aristocratic family +
born into a wealthy family +
born into a working-class family +
born into slavery -
born into the Russian aristocracy +
born into the traditional music world +
born into this world naked +
born later in the year -
born of a distinguished family +
born of slave parents -
born on a farm +
born on a very stormy evening according to my parents -
born on the family farm +
born on the run -
born poor -
born poor, bred poor -
born prematurely -
born to a single mother -
born to be wild +
born under a bad sign -
born with a tooth in his mouth -
born with albinism -
born with freckles -
born without clothes +
borrow a match +
borrow money +/-
borrow to excess -
borrow trouble -
botanical gardens, the +
botched operations -
botched robberies -
both a blessing and a curse +
both alike +/-
both desirable and necessary +
both in word and deed +
both judges and litigants -
both late and over budget -
both sides +
both the same age +
both true and false -
bother us no more +
bothers me this time +
bottle glass +
bottle of milk, a +
bottle of the best wine, a +
bottle of water, a +
bottle of wine, a +
bottle trees +
bottles of all sizes +
bottom line, the +
bottom side up -
bought a brand new home +
bought a ticket to your concert +
bought a type foundry -
bought fresh fish at the markets +
bought it in a pawn shop +
bought me a car +
bounced up again as soon as she touched the ground +
bouncing babies on your knee +
bouncing the tennis ball a few extra times before serving +
bound and gagged -
bound by contract +
bound by laws +
bound by time and space -
bound hand and foot with strips of bark -
bound her with the dog chain in the kennel -
bound him hand and foot +
bound him in chains +
bound him with chains +
bound his arms behind his back +
bound in chains -
bound in irons -
bound to die -
bound to fail -
bound to lose -
bouquet of flowers, a +
bout of drinking, a +
bouts of severe weather -
bovine TB -
bow and arrow +
bow drill, a +
bow in homage to you +
bow of a ship, the +
bow tie, a +
bow to each other +
bow to pressure -
bow to the altar +
bow wave of a speedboat, the +
bow your head in assent +
bow your knees +
bowed down before me +
bowed her head in thoughts +
bowed himself out +
bowed his head right and left in answer to the cheers of the people +
bowed in grief -
bowed legs -
bowed low +
bowed low to her +
bowed my head +
bowed my head in grief -
bowed respectfully +
bowed right and left +
bowed their heads in respectful homage +
bowed their heads respectfully +
bowels of the Earth, the +
bowl of borscht, a +
bowl of clam chowder, a +
bowl of mulled ale, sweetener with syrup and ginger, a +
bowl of water, a +
bowling alleys +
bowling balls +
bowling hall, the +
bowling lanes +
box fans +
box kites +
box manufacturer, a +
box of cereal, a +
box office, the +
box set, a +
box trees +
boxed it up and buried in the ground +
boxing match, a +
box-office bonanza, a +
box-office hit, a +
boxy minivans +
boy doll, a +
boy in striped pajamas, the +
boy pharaoh, the +
boy who cried "Wolf!", the -
boys and girls +
boys' bikes +
brace of horses, a +
braces for storm after deadly quake -
bracing the earth +
braid grasses +
braided hair +
braiding and tying up her hair +
braiding rope +
brain abscess, a -
brain activity +
brain and brain stem, the +
brain cancer -
brain drain -
brain function disorder, a -
brain hemorrhage, a -
brain imaging +
brain imaging studies +
brain injury, a -
brain plaques and tangles -
brain stem death +
brain tumor, a -
brain waves +
brainless fop, a -
brainstorming session, a +
braised chicken +
brake lights, the +
brake pads and discs, the +
bramble bush, a +
brambles and thorns +
branches of palm +
branches of the tree, the +
brand name, a +
brand new +
branded villain, a -
branding irons +
brandish swords -
brandishing the trophies +
brand-name product, a +
brass band, a +
brass fanfares +
brass ferule -
brass plate, a +
brave and bold +
brave deed, a +
brave fellow, a +
brave knights +
brave man, a +
brave mettle +
brave one, a +
bravely done +
bravely fight off their assailants +
braves the winter through +
brawns of Hercules, the +
braying loudly -
brazen bugles +
Brazilian reales +
bread and butter +
bread and wine +
bread clip, a +
bread crumbs -
bread rises +
break a toy -
break a vicious cycle +
break a window -
break an oath -
break and enter -
break appointments -
break down the wall of stones -
break eggs +
break fast +
break free +
break free from the chain +
break free the chains +
break impasse +
break in and steal -
break in half -
break into the old boy's club +
break it all to pieces -
break it open -
break it up -
break like branches -
break loose +
break my back -
break my faith -
break my fast +
break my fast, dine, sup, and sleep +
break my heart and leave me sad -
break my oath -
break my word -
break open the gate +
break the bank at roulette +
break the boundaries of reality +
break the chains that bind me +
break the code +
break the line +
break the mirror -
break the pattern -
break the peace -
break the seal +
break the spell +
break the stalemate -
break the tradition +/-
break this contract -
break through the hatched eggs +
break tradition +
break up the partnership -
break up the problem into many smaller problems and process in parallel +
break up the seals +
break up their graves -
break your bad habits +
break your necks -
break your treaty with them -
breakdown and cry -
breakdown of stereotypes, the +
breakfast cereal +
breaking a treaty -
breaking all conventions +
breaking all the rules -
breaking bonds -
breaking bonds between atoms +
breaking bread +
breaking down conventions +
breaking down fats +
breaking fences -
breaking free of his tether +
breaking into computers, copied itself to the system, and slowed the computer -
breaking into networks -
breaking it down into simpler chunks +
breaking it into pieces +
breaking new ground +
breaking news +
breaking passages through the ice +
breaking prison -
breaking promises -
breaking sugar crystals +
breaking the chain +
breaking the law -
breaking the rules -
breaking the silence +
breaking the social safety net -
breaking the sound barrier +
breaking the stigma +
breaking things down into smaller and smaller units +
breaking up and harrowing the soil +
breaking up into cliques -
breaking windows -
breaks a lot of hearts -
breaks bread and blesses it +
breaks down in tears -
breaks his bone -
breaks his leg -
breaks his neck -
breaks off his engagement to a woman
breaks record +
breaks silence +
breaks silence after tragedy +
breaks silence on allegations +
breaks silence on controversy +
breaks silence on split from husband +
breaks the circle +
breaks the sound barrier and you hear a sonic boom +
breaks the unbreakable +
breaks unofficial record at Marathon +
breaks up the soil in a field so that the seeds can be sown +
breakup songs -
breast cancer -
breast cancer survivors +
breast implants +
breast milk +
breast pocket, a +
breastfeeding her baby on her own porch -
breastfeeding on demand +
breathe control +
breath test, a +
breathe a bad spell on her eyes, lips, and ears -
breathe a sigh of relief +
breathe air +
breathe easy +
breathe freedom's air +
breathe oxygen +
breathe the air +
breathe through gills +
breathed a deep sigh -
breathed his last -
breathed his last in my arms -
breathed with difficulty -
breathes flames from its mouth -
breathing a blunt -
breathing heavily -
breathing out, breathing in +
breathless and faint -
breathtaking views +
breed cynicism -
breeding contempt -
breeding woman, a +
brevity of life, the -
brew beer +
brew elixirs of life +
brewing ale or beer +
brewing protest movement, a +
brews good ale +
briar patch, the -
bribed by gold -
bribing officials -
brick arches +
brick buildings +
brick by brick +
brick castle with stone corners, a +
brick homes +
brick houses +
brick wall, a +
brick whitewashed walls +
bridal bouquet, a +
bridal chamber, the +
bridal gowns +
bride and bridegroom +
bride and groom +
bridegroom and the bride, the +
bridge between East and West, a +
bridge generation gap +
bridge of the nose, the +
bridge that gap +
bridge's towers, the +
bridging the gap +
brief but sincere +
brief but sweet +
brief encounter +/-
brief farewell, a +
brief introduction, a +
brief version, a +
briefly imprisoned for heresy +
bright and clear +
bright and uplifting +
bright as fire +
bright as the sun +
bright bayonets +
bright blood +
bright blue +
bright city lights +
bright color, a +
bright colors of fireworks, the +
bright eyes +
bright flash of light, a +
bright future, a +
bright idea, a +
bright light, a +
bright lighting +
bright Morning Star, the +
bright moon, a +
bright red +
bright red mud -
bright sky, a +
bright star, a +
bright with sunshine +
brightened my day +
brighter than the sun +
brilliant, controversial, and innovative in equal measure +
brilliant and bright +
brilliant and clear +
brilliant as an opera conductor +
brilliant chandelier, a +
brilliant men in their own right +
brilliant mind, a +
brilliant showcase, a +
brilliant thinker, a +
brilliant young polyglot, a +
brilliantly colored in reds, blues, and greens +
brilliantly colored tiles +
brilliantly lighted reception halls, the +
bring a bevy +
bring a curse -
bring back that loving feeling +
bring back your health +
bring bad luck -
bring disaster -
bring down their remuneration -
bring ease to me +
bring feeling to my life +
bring great riches from trade in slaves and sugar +
bring him back to me +
bring him before us +
bring it in +
bring it over here +
bring joy +
bring joy and happiness +
bring joy to the earth +
bring joy to the heart +
bring joy to the table +
bring joy to your wives and children +
bring me another one +
bring me fun +
bring me laughter +
bring me pain +
bring me tidings of her +
bring me word what he will do +
bring misfortune down upon you -
bring natural forces within human control +
bring no shame onto your family +
bring order to the chaos +
bring peace and harmony to a land troubled by conflict +
bring project closer to reality +
bring prosperity +
bring the lobsters out +
bring the things to light +
bring them all out for a curtain call +
bring them to justice +
bring them to life +
bring tragedy -
bring truth to light +
bring up my children +
bring us equanimity +
bring us much joy +
bring us peace +
bring wonderful memories of you +
bring you every needful thing +
bring you flowers +
bring you good luck and happiness +
bring you happiness +
bring you news, good news +
bring you out of bondage +
bring you satisfaction +
bring you sorrow +
bring you word +
bring your head with sorrow to the ground -
bringing a taste of east coast to the west +
bringing intelligent life into being +
bringing the unconscious memories to the conscious mind +
bringing them into reality +
bringing up a young family +
bringing you all the love your heart can hold +
brings a new surprise +
brings a profit +
brings back a memory +
brings grief to his father -
brings joy to his father +
brings luck +
brings me great sadness -
brings mischief -
brings new upheavals -
brings no comfort -
brings out its flavor +
brings peace and joy +
brings sorrow -
brings the light rays into focus +
brings trouble to his family -
brings unwanted attention -
brings us relief +
brings victory and freedom to her motherland +
brings you shame -
brink of a deep precipice, the -
brisk breezes +
bristle brush, a +
British invasion +/-
British Pound sign +
broad and wide +
broad beach of white sand and gravel, a +
broad beans +
broad chest +
broad daylight +
broad face, a +
broad gate, the +
broad highway, the +
broad leaves +
broad river, a +
broad shoulders +
broad smile, a +
broad streets +
broad water lily leaves, the +
broad waterfalls on rivers +
broadband internet +
broadening our horizons +
broadens the mind +
broadly speaking +
broad-nib pen, a +
broadside ballads +
broadside imprints +
broadside printers +
broadside texts +
broad-spectrum antibiotic, a +
Broadway musicals +
broke and depressed -
broke daring new ground +
broke down barriers +
broke free of British rule +
broke her brow -
broke her silence +
broke her vows against her will -
broke his covenant -
broke his fast at sunset +
broke his jaw -
broke in and brutalized her -
broke into a house -
broke its long silence +
broke many taboos +/-
broke my heart -
broke my heart in two -
broke my hip -
broke numerous speed records +
broke new ground +
broke oath on oath -
broke off the rose and pressed it between the leaves of a book +
broke out into a grievous rage -
broke over the dike -
broke records +
broke rules -
broke the barrier +
broke the contemporary boundaries of moral and sexual taboos -
broke the deadlock +
broke the embarrassed silence +
broke the laws -
broke the lead of his pencil -
broke the looking glass -
broke the mold +
broke the prison -
broke the rules -
broke the rules of current sexual morality -
broke the speed of sound +
broke their word -
broke three of his ribs -
broke through the door -
broke up a peaceful demonstration -
broke your gods of clay +
broken all my hopes -
broken beyond repair -
broken bonds -
broken chords +
broken down into pieces -
broken faith with me -
broken families -
broken flowerpot, a -
broken glass -
broken heart, a -
broken life, a -
broken mirror, a -
broken my front teeth -
broken nails -
broken neck -
broken nose, a -
broken oars, the -
broken off at the joint -
broken our chains and freed us from captivity +
broken pane, a -
broken plates -
broken promises -
broken ribs -
broken skull, a -
broken spar and tattered sail, a -
broken the clause -
broken to pieces -
broken voice, a -
broken vow, a -
broken window, a -
broken wing -
bronchial tree, the +
bronze bell, a +
bronze cymbals +
bronze helmets +
bronze horse, the +
bronze lion sculptures +
bronze medal, a +
bronze plaques +
bronze relief, a +
bronze sculpture, a +
bronze sword, a +
bronzed and stalwart +
brood in their nests +
brook abuse -
brook no delay +
brothels and casinos -
brothers and sisters +
brought a little keg of schnapps +
brought almost immediate worldwide attention +
brought back to my memory +
brought few tangible gains -
brought fir cones to tickle the ladies sitting next to them -
brought herself a sexy dress +
brought him fame and fortune +
brought him international fame +
brought him up from boyhood +
brought himself a brand new pickup truck +
brought many splendid gifts +
brought me back to life +
brought me misery -
brought me tears -
brought me to another level +
brought people together +
brought sorrow and dismay to its people -
brought them good luck +
brought them up +
brought to life +
brought to light +
brought up in an incubator +
brought usual odds and ends from home to trade +
brought widespread chaos -
brought with a high price +
brought with money from his piggy bank +
brown as a sparrow +
brown bag, a +
brown bears -
brown eyes +
brown fallen leaves, the -
brown, featherlike reeds +
brown eggs +
brown furze -
brown hair +
brown land, the +
brown man, a +
brown of fall, the -
brown paper +
brown rice +
brown sugar +
brown tree, a -
brown wallet, a +
browning of cut fruits, the -
bruised but not broken +
bruised with adversity -
bruises his ribs -
brush it off +
brush of a feather -
brush painting +
brush your teeth +
brushed away her tears -
brushed his hands across his forehead -
brushed his hat with the palm of his hand +
brushed the hair back from my eyes +
brushes her long blonde hair +
brushed his teeth and gargled with a mouthwash +
brushing teeth +
Brussels sprouts +
brutal murders -
brutality of war, the -
brutally attacks referee -
brutally die -
brute fellow, a -
bubble baths +
bubble bursts, the -
bubble chamber, the +
bubble gum +
bubbles in a milkshake +
bubbles rise +
bubbling sound of boiling and stewing, the +
bubbling water +
buccaneer captain, a -
buck teeth -
bucked its rider off -
bucket-wheel excavators +
buckled beams -
buckwheat field, a +
bud and bloom +
Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism +
Buddhist monastery, a +
Buddhist philosophy +
Buddhist robes +
budding film career, a +
budding heads like billy goats +
budding inventors +
budget car for the masses, a +
buds of flowers, the +
buds of marjoram +
buds on a branching tree +
buffaloes roam, the +
bugle trills, the +
build, launch, and operate space telescopes +
build a better society +
build a cairn for me and implant it an oar +
build a dam +
build a devastating bomb based on releasing energy through nuclear fission +
build a hog pen +
build a home for two, for three or more +
build a new one +
build a platform +
build a prototype +
build a raft +
build a ship +
build a space telescope +
build a stationary radio telescope inside natural bowl-shaped depression +
build a statue +
build a suspension bridge +
build a tower +
build a trebuchet +/-
build a wind tunnel +
build AI systems that model the human brain +
build an ark +
build an empire +
build and build +
build and maintain loyalty +
build boats +
build bridges +
build earthquake-proof buildings +
build fires in the metal drums +
build fortifications +
build houses +
build muscles +
build on trust +
build parking lots, sidewalks, and roadways +
build permanent settlements +
build roads +
build shelter +
build ships +
build skills +
build steel bridges +
build stone walls +
build telescopes on high, isolated mountain peaks +
build trust +
build trust and spirit +
build tunnels to meet precisely under the sea +
build up our muscles +
build up the spirit +
build villages +
build wealth +
build wild dreams -
build wooden trestle bridges over ravines +
build your house +
build your reputation in years and ruin it in minutes -
building a fan base +
building a hot-air balloon +
building a house +
building a little boat in a bottle +
building a team ethic that really works +
building a water tower +
building AI people +
building altars +
building an underground railroad to ease traffic jams on busy streets +
building castles +
building castles in the sky +/-
building blocks +
building codes +
building dikes to hold back the seas +
building elevators +
building fires +
building forts +
building his prototype in secret +
building materials +
building megastructure +
building momentum +
building plans +
building project, a +
building site, the +
building stepped temples +
building telescopes and observing the skies +
building the Great Pyramid +
building up a theory based on sound observational evidence +
building up his confidence +
building up your savings +
builds a fire from a tiny spark +
builds on solid foundation +
builds roads and cities +
built a city on the hill +
built a dam to hold back the ocean +
built a fire +
built a nest +
built a new house +
built a round nest +
built a test model +
built a vast fortune +
built a watchtower +
built a wind tunnel to test dozens of potential wing designs +
built a working model +
built an impressive empire +
built bonfires +
built by cut-and-cover method +
built embankments around fields in order to retain seasonal floodwaters +
built herself a nest +
built his castle, with its tower and thick walls, on the slope +
built his considerable fame +
built his reputation +
built his theory on the basis of case studies rather than experiments or large scale surveys +
built house after house +
built its legacy +
built nearby +
built observatories +
built of brick covered with limestone +
built of oak +
built of pure white marble +
built on inductive reasoning, observation, and experiment +
built on the ideas of earlier thinkers +
built overnight the Soviet Unions Wall, dividing East and West Berlin +
built to last +
built to order +
built to work opencast mines +
built up their pyres +
bulky file, a +
bull fighting -
bull horn, a +
bulldog and her puppies, the +
bullet holes -
bullet trains +
bulletproof glass +
bulletproof vests +
bulls and cows +
bull's-eye in a target, the +
bulrushes sag, the -
bumper sticker, a +
bumpy year, a -
bunch of banana, a +
bunch of grapes, a +
bunch of keys, a +
bunch of plastic flowers, a +
bunch of radish, a +
bunches of fern fronds and willow switches +
bundle of paper, a +
bundled together +
bunk beds +
bunker doors, the +
bunny suits +
Bunsen's burners +
buoy bells clang, the +
buoyancy force, the +
burdened with a yoke -
burgher's type of house, a +
burglar alarms +
burial mounds +
burial places +
buried alive -
buried all his money in the earth, at the foot of a tree -
buried at a good old age +
buried her face in her hands and sobbed -
buried himself in the manure -
buried in an unmarked grave -
buried in an unmarked plot -
buried in Christian burial +
buried in mass graves -
buried in the churchyard +
buried in the same cemetery +
buried in the sea -
buried in the soil +
buried together +
buried treasures +
buried under ice +
buried under volcanic ash -
buried with some of their living slaves -
burlap bag, a +
burlap sack, a +
burly butcher, a +
burn a hole +
burn down to ash -
burn dung +
burn fossil fuels +/-
burn fragrant incense to images -
burn incense to their gods -
burn kerosene +
burn like fire -
burn like kindling -
burn my calories +
burn oil lamps +
burn ships -
burn thank-offerings for your safe return +
burn the house down -
burn the midnight oil -
burn the sacred fires +
burn their bones and urn their ashes +
burn them for their ashes +
burn towns -
burn witches +
burn with passion +/-
burn your lips -
burned alive -
burned an effigy on bonfires -
burned at the stake -
burned books -
burned down the building -
burned down to the ground -
burned fiercely -
burned him to ashes at the stake -
burned his corpse +
burned his hand -
burned in fury and jealousy -
burned incense +
burned it up and thrown it away +
burned their city +
burned their correspondence after his death +
burned them down to ash -
burned to ashes +/-
burned to death -
burned to rubble -
burned with anger -
burning altar lights, the +
burning and devastating as we go -
burning bridges -
burning bright +
burning desires -
burning dollars to light my stove -
burning down the churches -
burning fires, the +/-
burning match, a +
burning mountain, a -
burning of fossil fuels, the +/-
burning out of control -
burning plain, the -
burning risk of hay or straw, a +
burning sand, the -
burning temples, the -
burning them down -
burning towns, the -
burning up more energy through activity than you are consuming +
burning with desire +
burning with fury -
burning with rage -
burns down her boyfriend's house after a fight -
burns her books -
burns his memories to ashes -
burns slowly -
burns the camp to ground -
burns with pungent vigor -
burnt offerings of flesh to the gods below to sovereign death -
burnt to the ground -
brush the tears from your eyes +
burst in bloom +
burst into a fit of laughter +
burst into a flood of tears -
burst into a peal of laughter +
burst into flames -
burst into tears -
burst of sparks, a -
burst of static electricity -
burst open +/-
burst out in laughter +
burst out laughing +
burst out laughing now and then +
bursting with laughter +
bury our dead +
bus crash -
bus routes +
bus stop, a +
bus tour, a +
bushes and plants +
bushes of the sloe blocked their way -
bushy beard +
bushy eyebrows -
bushy hair -
bushy tail, a -
busily eating +
business ethics +
business partners +
business referrals +
business trip, a +
bust of Mozart, a +
busted for doping -
busting rhymes +
bustles and corsets -
bustling seaport, a +
busy as a beaver +
busy bear, a +
busy bee, the +
busy day, a -
busy life, a +
busy me, a -
busy schedule, a +
busy signal, a -
busy year, a +
but a dream -
but a gaudy shadow -
but how? -
but if -
but just a dream -
but more important thing is +
but the bill died -
butcher block, a +
butcher shop, a +
butchered the carcass +
butt of humor, the -
butter and salted herrings +
butterfly effect, the -
button badges +
buy a big house +
buy a car +
buy a primer for my schooling +
buy and sell +
buy beer +
buy brand new clothes +
buy clothes +
buy diapers +
buy food +
buy gingerbread +
buy groceries +
buy her pearls +
buy her roses +
buy local +
buy me a bottle of wine +
buy me a pistol +
buy myself a new suit +
buy our lunch +
buy raffle tickets +
buy sex -
buy silk +
buy some land +
buy the economy size +
buy the land +
buy wine +
buy you a diamond ring +
buy your ticket at the station +
buy yourself sausage, buy yourself bread +
buying and selling +
buying books and never reading them -
buying in bulk -
buying juleps +
buzzing bees +
by accident +
by all means +
by analogy +
by and by +
by another name +
by any chance +
by any means +
by chance +
by comparing actual performance with the expected performance of similarly aged children +
by comparison +
by contrast +
by convention +
by day and by night +
by default +
by definition +
by degrees +
by dusk +
by email +
by end of the year +
by evening +
by far +
by hand +
by heaven +
by hook or by crook -
by instinct +
by luck +
by modern standards +
by morning +
by much too much -
by myself +/-
by nature +
by necessity +
by night +
by no means -
by no means absolute +
by no means conclusive -
by no means over -
by now +
by peeping through the keyhole -
by saying +
by sheer luck +
by some sly trick -
by sunset +
by the fireside +
by the roadside +
by the sea +
by the seaside +
by the time +
by the turn of the century +
by the way +
by today's standards +/-
by tomorrow +
by tradition +
by trial and error +
by word of mouth +
by year end +
bygone days +