Hung's Reverse Dictionary
(Sensory and Motor Memories)

Anderson Hung 2020-2024

Special Presentations:  Basics  Comprehension  Memory Squares  Composition  Cognition

About This Dictionary
Designed according to the cranial nerves, the spinal nerves and the dermatomes, this is a reverse sentence fragment dictionary, not a reverse word dictionary.

30 Pairs of Nerves
12  cranial
  8  cervical
  5  lumbar
  5  sacral

Sentence Fragments
A complete sentence can be split into two parts, "subject and verb", and "verb and object".

Double Entry
The same sentence fragment is stored twice, one on the left side and the other on the right. The first words on the left and the last words on the right are arranged in alphabetical order. "One idea, one line" is the rule. Always keep all the text on one line.

Good or Bad
Knowledge is a tree, and some of its branches can be good or bad. A plus sign is assigned to the far end of the sentence fragment, which is good and likewise a minus sign for the sentence fragment, which is bad depending on the circumstances. They will change over time. The assignment is very subjective, personal, and variable. It is definitely not absolute and final. Those on the right are those in your heart and those on the left are those on your lips, so the same sentence fragment can have different polarity.

And, Or, Not
The Boolean operators "and", "or", or "not" are used throughout the dictionary. "And" shows connection and order; "or" shows choice; and "not" shows contrast. They are the tools for reasoning.

Sentence Reconstruction
Choose the first word on your left or the last word on your right of your liking. Add subject or object to the sentence fragment to make a complete sentence. Use a gerund, phrase fragment or conjunction to lengthen the sentence. Add colors sparingly to your sentence by using interjections where appropriate. Be sure the sentence is in agreement in number, person, gender, tense, voice, mood, perspective, tone, and style. Capitalize where appropriate. Finally, add punctuation marks in the right place.

Use Ctrl+F to quickly search the page.

30 Sets of Books

a2  b2  c2a  c2k  c2s  d2  e2  f2  g2  h2  i2  j2  k2  l2  m2  n2  o2  p2  q2  r2  s2a  s2k  s2s  t2  u2  v2  w2  x2  y2  z2

a3  b3  c3a  c3k  c3s  d3  e3  f3  g3  h3  i3  j3  k3  l3  m3  n3  o3  p3  q3  r3  s3a  s3k  s3s  t3  u3  v3  w3  x3  y3  z3

The control for the perception of light, shapes and colors is located in the occipital lobe of the brain and the control for the perception of smell and taste in the medial surface of the temporal lobe.

The control for the interpretation of speech is situated at angular gyrus (the traffic circle) of the occipital lobe, temporal lobe, and parietal lobe. The compiler believes it is the site of the self, the site of who I am. It also turns visual images right-side up and right-side around.

The Fano Plane

P    Parietal lobe
T    Temporal lobe
O   Occipital lobe
W  Wernicke's circle
E   Exit to the frontal lobe

The control for the perception of sounds is located below the lateral sulcus in the temporal lobe whereas the control for the movements of speech above the lateral sulcus at the base of the frontal lobe.

The sensory controls for the face and body (feel) are located in the parietal lobe behind the slanting central sulcus and the motor controls for the face and body (touch) in the frontal lobe immediately in front of the slanting central sulcus. The various parts of the body are arranged in reverse order, with the feet at the top and the face at the bottom. (Canadian neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield, 1951.)

After all, the occipital lobe, temporal lobe and parietal lobe are sensory in nature, and the frontal lobe and cerebellum motor in nature.

C  Central sulcus, slanting
L  Lateral sulcus
O  Occipital pole

1  Sight
2  Hearing
3  Taste and Smell
4  Interpretation of speech
5  Sensation of face and body (feel)

6  Movements of speech
7  Movements of face and body (touch)

The Nationality of the Brain Mappers

C   Canadian Wilder Penfield, 1951
 I   Italian Luigi Rolando, 1830
D  Dutchman Franciscus Sylvius, 1641
F   Frenchman Paul Pierre Broca, 1861
G  German Karl Wernicke, 1874

700 KB ± 200 KB
The working capacity for long-term memory of text is 700 KB ± 200 KB. Since sets of books always work in pairs, the capacity of any book neither on the right nor on the left can exceed 450 KB respectively.

Daily Inputs
The compiler of this dictionary can only key in roughly 60 lines of new text, 30 lines on each side, into the dictionary per day in three different times for a total of about 2 hours, or the compiler will get sore in his right forearm.

How to Generate a Nerve Impulse

E1  Exit to the frontal lobe
E2  Exit to the Broca's area
E3  Exit down the spinal cord

Example 1: For text only
Use Ctr+F to search for a sentence fragment from the left brain and the matched sentence fragment from the right brain. Copy and rotate left 90° one after the other. A brain wave is formed.


Example 2: For image only
Use Ctr+F to search for the name of a person from the left brain and the matched name of the person from the right brain. Copy the name from the left brain and the name of the person's image file .gif from the right brain, and rotate left 90° one after another. A brain wave carrying the image file .gif is formed. The image file .gif is reduced to a particle akin to a woman with child.


Example 3: For sound only
Use Ctr+F to search for the name of a song from the left brain and the matched name of the song from the right brain. Copy the name of the song from the left brain and the name of the song's sound file .mp3 from the right brain, and rotate left 90° one after the other. A brain wave carrying the sound file .mp3 is formed. The sound file .mp3 is reduced to a particle akin to a woman with child.


Structural Brain Map

+ / - a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z  a2 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z + / -

This is the computer proof that the horizontal line lies in front of the longitudinal line in the brain.

From a1 to z3, it is analogous to the trunk of a date palm in which a1 is the growing point, the control and the rest are the palm branches, the fragmented sentences. From 00a to 26z, they are the dates, the files which could be the sound files, graphic files or text files.

Date palms can take 4 to 8 years after planting before they can bear fruit. Date trees can reach up to 100 feet in height and can reach over 100 years of age. Date palms have separate male and female plants. They do not produce tree rings.

Dates are oval-cylindrical, 1 to 3 in long and about 1 in in diameter, with color ranging from dark brown to bright red or yellow. They contain a single stone about 3/4-1 in long and 1/4-5/16 in thick. You can eat your dates right off the tree.

Regional Brain Map

A Quotation From Roger W. Sperry - Nobel Lecture 1981
It thus came as a considerable surprise in the early 1960s when tests on commissurotomy or 'split-brain' patients seemed to indicate the presence in the right, so-called 'minor' hemisphere of a considerable capacity for cognitive understanding and the comprehension of language, both written and spoken.

Memory Count

a 85 81
b 87 82
ca 57 47
ck 72 64
cs 6 6
d 88 80
e 59 48
f 82 83
g 44 59
h 77 76
i 44 54
j 10 11
k 10 19
l 68 77
m 88 72
n 34 46
o 44 42
p 106 90
q 5 5
r 69 83
sa 70 82
sk 44 46
ss 59 58
t 105 84
u 18 23
v 20 14
w 73 77
x 1 1
y 18 7
z 2 1
30 2.96 MB

The Bible says, "Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." 1Sa 16:7.

Double Lisp
Our brain processes knowledge in at least 5 double list models.


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Last Modified: 09.07.24